Each team has its own iconic figures, unshakable authorities. At KU named after. Sh. Ualikhanov undoubtedly includes Doctor of Philology, Professor Ogaz Arystangalievich Sultanyaev (1938-2006) - one of the organizers of the higher education system of the city of Kokshetau. He was a versatile, multifaceted person: a prominent scientist, public figure, and bright personality. Ogaz Arystangalievich was born in the Astrakhan region of Russia. When the war began, he was only three years old. The father died at Stalingrad, the mother was left with two children in her arms. A difficult wartime childhood shaped Ogaz’s character and influenced his early development as a person. In Russia he received his first professional education. A yellowed extract from the district order reads: “Comrade. Sultanyaev Ogaz, a graduate of the Volodarsky Kazpedagogical College, was appointed as a teacher at the Blinovskaya elementary school from August 16, 1956.” While working at school, Ogaz Arystangalievich dreamed of continuing his education in his historical homeland at a prestigious Kazakh university. His dream came true. After graduating from the Kazakh Pedagogical Institute named after Abai, a young specialist, energetic and full of vitality, came to work in Kokchetav in July 1962. Despite his youth, Sultanyaev Ogaz already had experience in public work (he worked his way up from a Komsomol organizer of a group to a member of the Alma-Ata city committee of the LKSMK), and was known as a participant in institute and inter-republican conferences, whose reports aroused interest and approval in the scientific circles of the capital. What prompted a graduate of a prestigious university, a young father, to come to a small provincial town in northern Kazakhstan? The desire to connect a new page in your biography with the opening pedagogical institute in order to grow, mature and improve with it. Lecturer, senior lecturer, deputy. dean, dean of the Faculty of Philology, vice-rector for scientific work, head of the department of general linguistics - these are the stages of growth of Ogaz Arystangalievich Sultanyaev, confirming that he connected all his thoughts and aspirations, worries and concerns with the training and education of students, with administrative and pedagogical activities, with scientific research. The range of scientific interests of O.A. was wide. Sultanyaeva: onomastics of the native land, problems of bilingualism, methods of teaching Kazakh and Russian languages, speech culture. Having defended his PhD thesis on the problems of onomastics of Kazakhstan at Tomsk State University, O.A. Sultanyaev devotes further research to studying the multifaceted talent of the scientist and educator Shokan Ualikhanov. Starting with a linguistic analysis of individual articles by an outstanding scientist, O.A. Sultanyayev gradually studied the entire arsenal of Ch. Valikhanov’s works, including his journalistic, lexicographic, ethnographic and handwritten editions. The result of many years of research by Ogaz Arystangalievich was a doctoral dissertation “Russian and Kazakh vocabulary and phraseology of Chokan Valikhanov’s works,” monographs, textbooks and manuals that attract the attention of the author with his scientific erudition, thoroughness and depth of study of the analyzed material. From the research of O.A. Sultanyaev, the personality of Ch. Valikhanov appears before our contemporaries, who had a perfect command of two languages, their phraseological and lexical richness, who knew how, if necessary, to find bridges between the Kazakh and Russian languages, establishing correspondences, filling gaps, giving ethnographic commentary on individual linguistic facts. Leading Kazakh scientist M.M. Kopylenko highly valued Ogaz Arystangalievich as a specialist who had done a lot in the field of studying the language of journalistic and scientific works of Ch. Valikhanov. He emphasized: “This is the only scientist in Kazakhstan who purposefully and deeply studies the Shokan language.” The degree of Doctor of Philology, the title of professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a logical result of the scientific work and difficult educational and pedagogical activity of O.A. Sultanyeva. His name is widely known in the scientific community not only in Kazakhstan, but also beyond its borders. He was a member of three dissertation councils, the Small Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan at the Akmola region, was a member of the commission on onomastics and language policy of the city of Kokshetau, and was a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As vice-rector O.A. Sultanyev did a lot to train scientific personnel at the university. The organization and holding of the annual international scientific conference “Valikhanov Readings” at our university is associated with him. The state highly appreciated the noble, selfless work of the scientist, leader, and teacher. O.A. Sultanyaev is the holder of the titles “Excellence in Education of the USSR”, “Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, State Scientific Scholarship for scientists and specialists of the Republic of Kazakhstan who contributed to the development of science and technology (2002-2003, 2004-2005), medals “Tynga 50 zhyl”, “Kazakhstan Respublikasynyn bilim take isinin kurmetti kyzmetkeri”. Ogaz Arystangalievich was an example of a new type of scientist: being a fruitful researcher, he belonged to that galaxy of scientific enthusiasts whose inspiration connects science with the philosophy of life. Whatever direction O.A. Sultanyaev, the main subject of his research was the word. I love words that have meaning and weight, that are pure, but not bare at all. I am a wordsmith myself, but I am afraid of words. Long live the coming of the verb! (E. Isaev) A linguist reading monographs and scientific articles by Professor O.A. Sultanyaev, it is difficult not to notice his admiration for words, playing with all sorts of shades of meaning. Open for communication, Professor O.A. Sultanyayev gave his rich scientific and pedagogical experience, all the generosity of his soul to young researchers and students. “Scientific research,” wrote Ogaz Arystangalievich, “is a purely individual phenomenon, which is based on personal interests, on the “taste” of each applicant. At the same time, scientific research must be in line with the general direction of development of a particular science.” The mentor was the standard of a real Teacher. He was distinguished by his broad erudition, academic style of lecturing, free quotation of classics of linguistics, and ability to find contact with a youth audience. O.A. Sultanyaev was convinced: the teacher “must feel with his whole being, mind, heart, what people need, what brings them light, goodness and justice, intellect and reason.” More than one generation of students remembers O.A.’s classes. Sultanyaev, which generate interest in language, helping to comprehend the stylistic originality of a literary text. Ogaz Arystangalievich’s love for the Word was passed on to his students and colleagues. From the memoirs of K.K. Shamigozhina, graduate of 1976: “He taught us with inspiration and joy, charging us with his energy and conviction that language is an infinite Universe and we are its researchers”; Zh.D. Kaparova, graduate of 2006: “Ogaz Arystangalievich amazed us with his encyclopedic knowledge and remarkable command of the Russian and Kazakh languages. He read lectures “from his head”, without referring to a book. We all fell under his spiritual charm, cheerfulness, openness, and pedagogical tact.” During his teaching career, Ogaz Arystangalievich developed and taught lecture courses on “Introduction to Linguistics”, “General Linguistics”, read special courses and conducted special seminars on Turkology and onomastics. His teaching activity was not limited to Kokshetau University: O.A. Sultanyayev lectured at the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers and at other universities in Kazakhstan. As a professor, Ogaz Arystangalievich remained faithful to the first years of his work in elementary school: he wrote Kazakh language textbooks for students living in Russia in grades 1-3. Sultanyayev’s work with young people and spiritual harmony were reflected in his appearance: until the end of his life he remained the same as he was in his youth - handsome, fit, with an easy gait. I remember his kind face with radiant dark eyes, an even soft voice, a charming smile, a cap of thick, silvered gray hair. He was energetic, walked a lot, and played sports. One of his favorite hobbies is football: Ogaz Arystangalievich was not only a passionate fan who regularly attended matches of the Kokchetav team “Okzhetpes”, but he also enthusiastically kicked a football around, playing with colleagues, with his children and grandchildren.
A wonderful family man, he spent all his free time with his family. His wife Mayra Bidanovna, a teacher of Russian language and literature, was his faithful friend and ally. And the future spouses met during their student years, at a dance. “1957. Alma-Ata. My favorite waltz is playing in the park. A young man comes up to me and asks me to dance. He waltzes beautifully. This is our first meeting... Anniversary evening. Among the invited guests was the famous composer Ilya Zhakanov. He congratulated the hero of the day, and then sang his song about the Volga. My Ogaz couldn’t sit still, so we went dancing. This waltz was the last." This is how Mayra Bidanovna talks about a person dear to her heart, about touching, heartfelt moments. Together they lived forty-five happy years. “This family,” recalls A.A. Aitmukhambetov, at that time rector of KSU named after. Sh. Ualikhanova, - was always distinguished by her special cordiality towards guests, and was hospitable. I was an infrequent, but open-heartedly received guest. My wife and I always went to Myra and Ogaz’s house with special pleasure. There was an atmosphere of love, respect for each other, respect for our guests.” Ogaz Arystangalievich was a Personality in everything. In work, in friendship, in relationships with loved ones and family. His heart ached for everyone and everything. But, as a subtle diplomat and a good psychologist, he knew how to hide his disappointments, grievances, failures and adversities with a cheerful disposition and apt words. He had no equal in his ability to build a conversation with elders, younger people, and his “Kurdas”: wit, excellent command of Russian and Turkic languages, a sharp look at things - all this was done by O.A. Sultanyaeva is one of the best lecturers at the university and one of the most eloquent participants in various events (official and friendly). We admired Ogaz Arystangalievich’s love of life, his desire for constant improvement, his friendliness and respectful attitude towards people, his conscientiousness and decency. The most striking feature of his personality is devotion. Devotion to one's land, science, profession, one's family. O.A. Sultanyayev repeatedly received invitations from other universities in the republic to the position of rector, but his love for his native institute and his beloved city turned out to be stronger. This love inspired Ogaz Arystangalievich to work on the “Dictionary of Geographical Names of the Kokshetau Region” for many years. Professor Sultanyaev, together with Doctor of Philology, Professor A. Abdirahmanov, worked on it for decades, collecting toponymic material bit by bit, looking through various kinds of numerous educational, reference, administrative-territorial materials and sources that contributed to an accurate, adequate and careful attitude to the transcription of geographical names . The dictionary provides the etymology of Kazakh macro- and microtoponyms of the Kokshetau region, and presents their structural and semantic analysis. As you know, the value system of every nation includes dictionaries and encyclopedias. Among them there are those that constitute an entire era in their significance. The dictionary, written by O. Sultanyaev in collaboration with A. Abdirahmanov, worthy continues the tradition of lexicography of regional toponymic material and contributes to the development of domestic onomastics. What is valuable in the spiritual life of society? Its history, culture. And the history of the area, the region and the state as a whole is made up of the ancient original names of cities, villages and rivers. According to O.A. Sultanyaeva, “the study of geographical names of Kazakhstan should be devoted, first of all, to a complete and in-depth study of toponymic regions, so that later, on the basis of these works, we can move on to integral generalizations.” The thoughts and scientific research of Ogaz Arystangalievich, his entire work activity is a clear example of genuine love for the land on which he lived and which today honors the memory of a talented scientist and teacher, a clear example of service to his Cause. To the question “What is your life credo?” Ogaz Arystangalievich answered: “Go through life independently, purposefully and confidently.” He was always true to his life principles, passing on his conviction to colleagues and students. The teachers and students who were lucky enough to listen to his lectures, work together, and be close to him, feeling the charm of a wise mentor and sympathetic person, are grateful to him. Professor O.A. Sultanyayev left not only a good memory of himself, but also a rich scientific heritage, the fruits of which will be enjoyed by his students and successors for a long time.