Agrotechnical Institute named after. S. Sadvakasov

Director's Office: №226
The S.Sadvakasov Agrotechnical Institute has formed a highly qualifiedscientific and pedagogical team, including professors and doctors of sciences,associate professors and candidates of sciences. Training of bachelors andundergraduates is carried out by more than 84 full-time teachers, including 8doctors of sciences, 22 candidates of sciences, 6 PhD doctors, 49 masters.
The Institute provides training in 31 Educational programs – 20 OP(bachelor's degree), 8 OP (master's degree), 3 OP (doctoral degree). To date, theinstitute has 1411 students, 27 undergraduates, 11 doctoral students. The training isconducted in the state and Russian languages.
To maintain the educational process at a high level, the institute has createdan appropriate material and technical base. The academic buildings have modernlaboratories and computer classes. Teachers use modern educational technologiesin the learning process. The library provides scientific and information services tostudents. There is a sports and recreation complex, an assembly hall and a diningroom.
According to the educational programs of the Institute, branches ofdepartments operate on the basis of large enterprises of the city of Kokshetau, suchas Eurasia Group Kazakhstan LLP, Tynys JSC, KAMAZ-Engineering JSC,AGRIMER-ASTYK LLP, Gormolzavod LLP, Kokshetau State Enterprise,Kokshetau Gorselproekt LLP,Sinegor-Grain" and others. In the village ofVasilkovka, Zerendinsky district, Akmola region, an experimental educational,scientific and production complex "Elite" was created for educational anddemonstration purposes. Graduates of the Institute are in–demand specialists inmany branches of the agricultural and technical industries, in the field of ITtechnologies.
The research activities of the scientists of the Institute are carried out byimplementing projects on grant, program-targeted financing of the Ministry ofHigher Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.