History of the Chair
1- The department's creation history
The department was organized in 1981 at the Kokchetav branch of the TselinogradAgricultural Institute, renamed the Kokchetav Agricultural Institute in 1991, and in 1996 becamepart of the Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov.The first head of the department was Nurmaganbetov K.R., doctor of economic sciences,professor, and a full member of the International Academy of Organization of Science and LaborPractice.
2. Reorganization of the department / merger, expansion.
In August 2021, due to a change in the structure of the university and optimization, theDepartment of Engineering Technologies and Transport was merged with the Department ofMechanization and Animal Husbandry. After the merger, the department's name was left"Engineering technologies and transport."