Head of the Department

E-mail: Education

Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov, majoring in “Mechanization of Agricultural Production”, qualification: mechanical engineer

Main courses taught

Engineering design, Equipment and technology in crop production, Fundamentals of precision agriculture, GIS technology in agriculture and forestry.

Academic degree


Scientific direction

Technology research and development of technical means in the field of agriculture

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

Author of more than 50 scientific and methodological works (h-index 4 in the Scopus database), including articles included in the Web of Science, Scopus, Agris database, publications of the Committee for Control in Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 10 copyright certificates for invention (Eurasian patent, patents of the Russian Federation, Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan). One monograph and several textbooks.

Member of the RUMS in the field of agriculture and bioresources in the educational program “Agricultural Engineering and Technology” at KazNAIU in Almaty, temporary member of the dissertation council in the field of training 8D087 Agroengineering (protocol No. 1 of April 25, 2023) KazNAIU in Almaty. Member of the UMS KU named after. Sh. Ualikhanov.

Developer of undergraduate and graduate educational programs in “Agricultural machinery and technology”, “Digital agricultural systems and complexes”. Member of the working group as an executor of the international project Erasmus+ Progect 597985-EPP-1-2018-1-KZ-EPPKA2-CBHE JP “New and Innovative Courses for Precision for Agriculture” (New and innovative courses for precision agriculture).

Number of PhD graduates, masters

Trained 5 masters in the educational program 7M08701 “Agricultural Engineering and Technology”

Implementation of scientific projects with grant, program-targeted financing, on a business contract basis over the past 5 years (name of the project, IRN, years of implementation).

Development of technology and design of a universal windrower (2021-2022, amount 8 million tenge).

Main scientific publications over the past 5 years 2019-2024. (provide the URL of the web page on the original website of the journal where the publication is located on the Internet, or its Digital Object Identifier (DOI)).

  1. Mathematical Modelling in 3D of Opener with Scatterer of the Grain-Fertilizer Seeder // Scientific journal «Mechanika». 24(6), 2018.ISSN 1392-1207


2. Design and rationale for parametres of the seed-fertilizer seeder coulter for subsoil broadcast seeding.// 4th International Scientific Conference on Agribusiness, Environmental Engineering and Biotechnologies, AGRITECH-IV 2020 Krasnoyarsk 18 - 20 November 2020

Том 677, Выпуск 515 March 2021 ISSN 17551307




3. Identification of factors that negatively affect the growth of agricultural crops by methods of orthogonal transformations.// Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies Том 3, Выпуск 2-117, Страницы 39 - 47 2022



4. Application of informative textural Law's masks methods for processing space images.// International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering Том 13, Выпуск 4, Страницы 4557 – 4566 August 2023


5. Обоснование конструктивно-технологической схемы сошника зернотуковой сеялки для подпочвенно-разбросного посева. //

Вестник КазНАЕН.

Алматы, 2017. №1-2. С.99-102.

6. Ауыл шаруашылығы жерлерін мелиорациялау және рекультивациялау ерекшеліктері.//

«3i» Көпсалалы ғылыми журналы.

Костанай, 2019. №1. С.86-93.


7. Расчет тягового усилия сошника зернотуковой сеялки для

подпочвенного разбросного посева.//

Исследования, результаты. ISSN 2304-3334-02. КазНАУ. Алматы, 2020. № 4(88). С.325-334.

8. Патент 32312 РК. Посевной агрегат. КАТУ им.С.Сейфуллина; опубл. 31.08.2017, бюл. №16. С.90-91: ил.

9. Евразийский патент 030176. Устройство для измельчения и сушки при переработке отходного костного сырья в производстве костной кормовой муки. КАТУ им.С.Сейфуллина; опубл. 29.06.2018, Евразийское патентное ведомство. бюл. №6. 3 с.: ил.

10. Патент (Полезная модель) № 6154 РК. от 10.02.2021. Сеялка-культиватор. Какабаев Н.А., Амантаев М.А.

11. Патент (Полезная модель) № 7464 РК. от 05.07.2022. Жатка валковая универсальная ЖВУ-9К. ЧК Kazrost Engineering Ltd., КУ имени Ш. Уалиханова.