Zhantemirov Marat

Zhantemirov Marat


E-mail: Education

Kokshetau branch of the Central Agricultural Institute.Kokshetau University named after A. Myrzakhmetova, master's degree

Main courses taught

"Electrical Engineering and Fundamentals of Electronics", "Electrical Machines and Electric Drive in the Agro-Industrial Complex", "Automation and Robotization of Production Processes in the Agro-Industrial Complex"

Main scientific publications

  1. Sauy tekhnologiyasynyn buzyluy - siyrdyn zheinsaw payda bolu sebepterіnіn bіrі. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Shokan Oqulari - 24", dedicated to the 185th anniversary of Shokan Ualikhanov. Kokshetau, 2020. Vol. 2


2. Problemy energoseberezheniya v Kazakhstane. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Shokan Oqulari-25" on the topic "Science of Kazakhstan over the years of independence. Achievements and development prospects", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 2021, vol. 4, pp. 216-218

3. Sushchnost studentotsentricheskogo obucheniya v universitetskom obrazovanii. Str 32-34 materiály xv mezinárodní vĕdecko - praktická konference «efektivní nástroje moderních věd -2019», volume 4 : praha. Publishing house «education and science» -120 s.