In the glorious galaxy of university rectors, united over the years by the common fate of individuals who care for the honor of the university that has become their home, now the NJC “Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau University ", Honorary Citizen of the city of Kokshetau, Honorary Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Worker of the Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after. S. Seifullina, Academician of the MAER, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Bakyt Gazizovich Zhunusov takes a worthy place.
Academician Bakyt Gazizovich Zhunusov is a famous scientist in Kazakhstan, the author of more than 230 scientific papers. His scientific activities cover a wide range of scientific studies of economic problems in the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The patriot-scientist trained 13 candidates and over 70 masters of economic sciences, isn’t this a worthy legacy.
On the eve of his 60th anniversary, we talk with Bakyt Gazizovich about the years he lived, about the period of his leadership of the university.
Bakyt Gazizovich , tell us a little about yourself!
My small homeland is a land of wooded hills and blue lakes, where you can breathe so freely. I was born on October 15, 1939 in the village of Kyzylagash, Zerendinsky district, now Akmola , and in those years Kokchetav region. Even as a schoolboy, he did not shy away from difficulties, he hardened himself with peasant labor, and went to the collective farm fields early in the morning. As a twelve-year-old barefoot boy, he coped with a difficult burden, working as a driver of oxen loaded with grain to be sent to the elevator. Peasant hardening helped me, far from my native steppe, not to lose faith in myself, in my strength, not being afraid of difficulties, I went to the southeast of the republic to Zhetysu , where I graduated from Taldykorgan farmer national technical school. And in 1960 he returned to his native north, to the virgin lands, and got a job as a mechanic at the state farm named after. Abai , Korgalzhyn district , Akmola region.
Then three years of military service, a real school of courage, which later became very useful in life. And after the army he entered the Faculty of Economics of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, from which he graduated with honors in 1970.
I had the opportunity to work as an agronomist at the state farm named after. S. Seifullin, rationing economist at the Kazvyazstroy-2 trust in Tselinograd. But the dream of a scientific future haunted me. And in 1971, a long-standing aspiration came true - I entered full-time graduate school at the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute. Already in 1975, I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis, after which I was left at the university as an assistant, and later awarded the title of associate professor of the Department of Management.
By nature, I myself have been very active since my youth; I have always liked to be in the thick of things, in the turmoil of combat and ebullience. That's the temperament. When colleagues and management entrusted me with the post of chairman of the trade union committee, the post of vacated secretary of the party committee, I took up the matter with zeal. I always wanted to do better, more for people. He perceived his appointment as vice-rector of the correspondence department of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute, at that time one of the largest agricultural universities on the virgin lands of the former USSR, as a new round of his career, imposing certain obligations.
- What memories do you have associated with that tense, but sometimes dear for you, leadership of the university?
The warmest. Kokshetau has truly become my hometown. In 1985, I was appointed director of the Kokshetau branch of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute. Needless to say, changes were brewing in the country, perestroika broke out. I am still proud of that difficult, but very exciting period in my life; I will not deny that at times it was very difficult, but also interesting. I am pleased that the team I lead not only survived, but also developed significantly. Judge for yourself, the material and technical base of the branch is being strengthened, the qualitative and quantitative level of the teaching staff is increasing. And how much joy there is in joint real achievements over 11 years, because during this time we have significantly strengthened the integration of education and science, and managed to conclude a series of cooperation agreements with universities near and far abroad. The year 1992 turned out to be lucky for us: the Faculty of Economics and graduate school were opened , and an educational and experimental farm was created. From now on, our teachers could go on internships to Canada, the Russian Federation, Turkey, Germany, and our students could undergo practical training at the leading machine-building enterprises of the CIS, such industry giants as the Altai Tractor Plant, the Gorky Automobile Plant, and the Pavlodar Tractor Plant. In those years, for the first time, we introduced such an innovation as student self-government in dormitories. It was at that time that the main academic building of the institute, two residential buildings for teachers and staff, a sports and recreation complex, and the first student youth center in the region were built. In the educational and experimental farm, thanks to the introduction of advanced technologies in agricultural production, it was possible to reach the forefront, and the farm is becoming one of the best agricultural enterprises in the northern region. And it is especially pleasant to realize that in terms of equipment and provision of educational and laboratory equipment, computer equipment, and the level of scientific and pedagogical personnel, our university is becoming the best in the Akmola region! Then my personal success came: in 1992, the Higher Attestation Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR awarded the academic title of professor in the specialty "Economics"
- It’s time to talk about the continuation of your scientific and teaching activities at Kokshetau State University named after. Sh. Ualikhanov .
Since 1996, he has headed the department of “Economics and Organization of Agricultural Industries.” Despite the pressures, he still considered it his duty to remain faithful to science. It was during this period that he wrote his doctoral dissertation devoted to solving the serious and important problem of structural changes in the agro-industrial complex. The study had not only theoretical, but also practical significance. In March 1998, he defended himself, received a Doctor of Economics degree and continued to work on the research topic “Development of business forms in the agro-industrial sector of Northern Kazakhstan.” The defense took place at the All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Moscow.
I am grateful to my colleagues, because even today my personal experience and knowledge as an analyst and mentor are in demand even after I retire.
- Decency, wisdom, kindness are the defining qualities of your strong character. Your colleagues have always been impressed by your fantastic work ethic and perseverance. Are you satisfied with the years you have lived?
Every person has a dream. I hope that I was able to realize everything that I had in mind. After all these years, I understand that, fortunately, I had and still have something to be proud of. There are people to whom I can pass on invaluable experience, of course, first of all to my students, followers, and like-minded people. Among them there are many candidates of science, there are even doctors. They all work in different parts of the country and occupy a worthy place in society. My years are my wealth. Not everyone is destined to reach a respectable age, so I consider myself a very happy person.
- Your work in higher educational institutions allowed you to educate worthy followers, can you name their names?
Rashit Akimov, ex- akim of the city and region, deputy of the Senate, a wonderful person and a real citizen, businessman and public figure Marat Dzhumabekov , who, unfortunately, was no longer with us early. To be honest, I can assure you that in every successful farm in the agro-industrial complex of the Akmola region, my graduates work, and when they meet, they make me happy with their successes, successes , and simply light in their eyes and warmth in their hearts.
- You are called a skillful organizer and manager, combining intelligence and strength of character, high competence and a tireless search for new things, what helped you lead people?
He could always defend his vision of the educational process in front of the team, find an approach to each of his colleagues, and unite them with common goals for the development of the branch. He took into account the opinions of people, valued in his employees independent thinking and the ability to prove the validity of their ideas. It is gratifying, many years later, to realize that the friendly support and invaluable energetic assistance of my like-minded people, the first secretaries of the Kokchetav regional committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan Orazabek, helped me in promoting many ideas and projects Kuanyshev , Maktay Sagdiev, Chapai Abutalipov , personalities devoted to their native land. Good relations developed with the head of the regional department of agriculture, Moisey Alekseevich Zheng . Blessed memory to these wonderful sons of Kazakhstan’s virgin lands. It is worth noting that at one time, namely on January 9, 1991, thanks to the petition of the Kokchetav Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, by order of the State Agro-Industrial Committee of the USSR, the branch of the Central Agricultural Institute in Kokshetau was transformed into an independent full-fledged agricultural institute, which trained professionals for the northern region in two specialties. And in this already historical fact I see the joint merit of the authorities and my team of like-minded people. And for me, the most important thing is that our graduates are in demand as irreplaceable specialists in the region and have become leading agronomists, livestock specialists, mechanics, and economists, on whom the agriculture of their native land rests.