Video recording of the dissertation defense Ildar Maratovich Bogapov will be defending his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Justification of parameters of sugar sorghum variety model and evaluation of source material in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan"

Video recording of the public defense of the dissertation by Bekmova G.B.

Видеозапись публичной защиты диссертации Сурагановой А.М

Видеозапись публичной защиты Уалиевой Г.Т.

Video recording of the defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 8D08101 - Agronomy Kalin Arman Kabdrakhmanuly on the topic: "Features of cultivating alfalfa for seeds using elements of organic farming in the conditions of the hill-plain zone of the Akmola region"

Video recording of the defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the educational program 8D08101 - Agronomy by Saltanat Esetovna Baidalina on the topic: "Selection of Legume-Grass Mixtures for the Creation of a Perennial Hay and Pasture Conveyor in the Hilly-Plain Zone of Akmola Region"