11. IRN AP13268752 Images of Kazakh linguistic culture in translingual Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan (Temirova Zhanna Germanovna)
Information on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1) Grant financing of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024 (implementation period of 32 months)
Brief information about the project
Project topic
IRN AP13268752 Images of Kazakh linguistic culture in translingual Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan
Project manager
Temirova Zhanna Germanovna PhD, Assistant Professor
Terms of implementation
The amount of financing
18 868 951.96 tenge
In the history of the development of Kazakh literature, along with national literature created traditionally in the Kazakh language, a layer of Russian–language literature of Kazakhstan, created by domestic authors at the junction of at least two cultures - Kazakh and Russian, has already been firmly formed. However, a comprehensive study of the images of Kazakh linguistic culture in the translingual Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan has not yet been completed it has been attempted.
The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that for the first time a study of the images of Kazakh linguistic culture in the translingual Russian–language literature of Kazakhstan was conducted in four aspects - cognitive-pragmatic, linguistic-cultural, psycholinguistic and comparative.
To study the images of the Kazakh linguistic culture presented in the works of representatives of modern translingual Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan from the standpoint of the theory of translinguism
Project results
– a theoretical and methodological concept for the study of translingual Russian-language literature in Kazakhstan has been created;
– the images of the Kazakh linguistic culture, explicated in the modern translingual Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan, are identified, their lexical representatives are identified, their conceptual content, associative field and cultural and value meanings are investigated;
– the translingual specificity of Kazakh literature created by means of the Russian language reflecting the process of dialogue of cultures is revealed, ways of preserving and reproducing the ethno-cultural identity of the translingual text with the help of images of the Kazakh linguistic culture are determined;
– a comparative analysis of the images of the Kazakh linguistic culture, represented in the works of representatives of modern translingual Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan, taking into account the generic specifics of their work (prose/poetry), as well as belonging to different generations of modern Kazakh society (the older generation – Olzhas Suleimenov and Rollan Seisenbayev and the younger generation – Erbol Zhumagul and Ilya Odegov);
– psycholinguistic experimental data have been obtained and studied, indicating the associative reactions of native speakers to representatives of images of the Kazakh linguistic culture, the associative field of images of the Kazakh linguistic culture has been modeled;
– a model of the system of key images of Kazakh linguistic culture is presented, emphasizing the ethno-cultural identity of a separate transcultural creative personality and his individually authored worldview, as well as defining the specifics of the artistic worldview of translingual Russian-language literature of Kazakhstan as an important part of modern Kazakh literature.
3 (three) articles have been published in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity.
- Temirova Zh.G., Zhakupova A.D. Ilya Odegov's small prose in the context of transculturalism // Bulletin of Karaganda State University named after academician E.A.Buketov.
The series "Philology". № 1(109)/2023. Pp. 65-73.
- Temirova Zh.G. The image of Kazakh linguistic culture in the perception of readers of translingual Kazakh literature (based on the results of a free associative experiment) // Bulletin of the KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov. The series is philological. – Kokshetau, 2023. – No. 3. – pp. 121-130.
- Temirova Zh.G., Zhakupova A.D. The phenomenon of transculturalism in modern Kazakh literature // Bulletin of the KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov. The series is philological. – Kokshetau, 2023. – No. 4.
Two (2) articles have been published in Russian scientific publications on the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the RSCI database (Russian science index)
- Temirova J.G. Author's translation as a way to create a translingual literary text // Bi-, poly-, translingualism and linguistic education. Bi-, Poly-, Translingualism and linguistic education: a collection of materials of the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference under the auspices of MAPRYAL (December 2-3, 2022) / under the general editorship of V. P. Sinyachkin. – Moscow: RUDN, 2022. – 300 p. pp. 204-213.
- Temirova Zh.G., Zhakupova A.D., Yurina E.A. The concept of "Music" as an image of linguistic culture in the translingual Russian-language work of a bilingual writer // Russian language abroad. – Mosca, 2023. – No. 6. – pp. 52-61.