Information on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 (implementation period of 36 months)

Brief information about the project

Project topic

IRN AP19679364 "Development of integrated terrestrial and remote methods for assessing the condition of plants to optimize the mineral nutrition of grain crops in the chernozem zone of Northern Kazakhstan"

Project manager

Khusainova Razya Kairbekovna

Terms of implementation

2023 -2025

The amount of financing

99,336,333 tenge


The integration of methods of ground diagnostics of plants and their spectral response according to remote sensing data in the system of regional monitoring of agricultural production will allow us to develop a comprehensive adapted method for the operational assessment of the condition of agricultural plants, namely grain crops of Northern Kazakhstan, which are of high importance in the country.


To develop an integrated methodology for optimizing the nutrition of grain crops in Northern Kazakhstan using ground-based monitoring tools, remote Earth sensing data and geoinformation design.

Project results

In 2023, an agrochemical survey of test sites was conducted, and a cartogram of the availability of basic nutrients was developed. In areas with low availability of mobile nitrogen and phosphorus, a pilot site was selected and laid - an agrochemical survey was carried out, fertilizer doses were calculated; the analysis of seasonal variability of the state of grain crops, taking into account regional characteristics, based on vegetation indices and biophysical parameters of plants, methods of remote sensing data processing for assessing the state of grain crops in Northern Kazakhstan for diagnosing stress on basic nutrition elements were tested.

According to statistical analysis, the relationships between nitrogen values and LAI indices during the period of maximum plant growth (data for July 14, 2023) were revealed, where, according to regression statistics, R2 =0.89. Within the framework of this study, the LAI index is a suitable tool for diagnosing the state of nitrogen in agricultural crops.

According to the results of area interpolation, it was revealed that the variability of phosphorus in the amount from 7.24 to 13.4 mg/kg, potassium – from 639.6 to 721.2 mg/kg, nitrogen – 1.28-2.11 within the surveyed fields is high.

The results of an agrochemical soil survey in Lobanovo LLP (Imantau settlement) on 1,700 hectares showed that 60% of the land has a low content of mobile phosphorus (11-15 mg/kg), 29% of arable land has an average content, 8.3% has a very low content of P2O5

According to hydrolyzable nitrogen, soils have mainly very low nitrogen content (less than 30 mg/kg), which is 92% of arable land, and 8% of low nitrogen content (30-40 mg/kg).

The results of the 2023 study are the basis for the development of nutrition programs for cultivated crops and further research in 2024-2025 years on the subject of this scientific project.