Information on scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects of grant financing by Ministry of Science and Higher EducationRepublic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing Grant financing of

scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects

for 2024-2026 (implementation period 36 months)

Project summary

Project title

ИРН AP 23487981 Developing the technology for reclaiming the closed landfill of solid domestic waste in Akmola region by creating an artificial phytocenosis model.

Project manager

Bayazitova Zulfiya Erzatovna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor

Implementation period


Amount of funding

119,408,337.80 tenge


As a result of the performed works the technology of creation of artificial phytocenoses on the closed landfills of solid household wastes of Northern Kazakhstan with selection of the most perspective heavy metal accumulating plant species and effective agrotechnical measures will be developed. As a result of research, plants with high phytoremediation potential and resistance to natural and climatic conditions of Northern Kazakhstan will be identified.

As a method of utilization of contaminated plant material, fuel pellets will be produced, which can be offered for commercialization in the future.According to the results of the project it is planned to publish scientific articles in authoritative journals, issue monographs, participate in international conferences, which will significantly increase the scientific and technical potential of scientists of the project and competitiveness of Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov.

The working group of the project includes doctoral students of the first and second year of study, who will perform part of the work on the project, and prepare for the defense of dissertations for the title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The project is aimed at solving urgent problems of Akmola region in the sphere of management and control over the state of landfills.


On natural and experimental sites to study adaptive abilities of different groups of plants to ecological and natural-climatic conditions of solid domestic waste landfills of Northern Kazakhstan in order to create sustainable phytocenoses, allowing to reduce soil toxicity and accelerate soil restoration processes.

Project outcomes

As a result of the performed works the technology of creation of artificial phytocenoses on closed landfills of Northern Kazakhstan with selection of the most promising heavy metal accumulating plant species and effective agrotechnical measures will be developed. As a result of research, plants with high phytoremediation potential and resistance to natural and climatic conditions of Northern Kazakhstan will be identified.

As a method of utilization of contaminated plant material, fuel pellets will be produced, which can be offered for commercialization in the future.

According to the results of the project it is planned to publish scientific articles in authoritative journals, issue monographs, participate in international conferences, which will significantly increase the scientific and technical potential of scientists of the project and competitiveness of Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov. The working group of the project includes doctoral students of the first and second year of study, who will perform part of the work on the project, and prepare for the defense of dissertations for the title of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). The project is aimed at solving urgent problems of Akmola region in the sphere of management and control over the state of landfills.