Information on scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects of grant financing by Ministry of Science and Higher EducationRepublic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing Grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 (implementation period 36 months)

Project summary

Project title

ИРН AP19674499 «Raising the productivity and stability of forage crops, including varieties and hybrids, to increase the milk productivity of Holstein cows in Northern Kazakhstan».

Project manager

Baidalin Marden Ersainovich, PhD, Head of the Department of Science and Commercialization

Implementation period


Amount of funding

99,349,912.76 tenge


At the present stage in the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan there are the following problems: low productivity and stability of varieties of fodder crops, unrealization of genetic potential of farm animals - due to weak fodder base, low nutritional content of fodder, insufficiency of sown areas under fodder and forage crops, low quality of agricultural products and others.


The aim of the project is to increase productivity and resistance to abiotic stress of varieties and hybrids of fodder crops in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan to create a fodder base that realizes the genetic potential of milk productivity of Holstein cows.

Project outcomes

Published article "Enhancing Nutritional Value and Production Efficiency of Feeds Through Biochemical Composition Optimization" Organic Farming Volume 10, Issue 1, 2024 Pages 80-93 (percentile 35% 261/406 Agronomy and Crop Science)

In the system of traditional farming in Northern Kazakhstan, it is recommended to cultivate annual fodder crops in grass mixtures to obtain a yield of highly nutritious forages with high biochemical composition and high metabolizable energy. Our study shows that rhizobium inoculation increased yield benefits due to the complementarity effect in the intercropping system. Consequently, inoculation with strains of nodule bacteria and associative nitrogen-fixing bacteria can be used as an effective strategy to increase the efficiency of crop intercropping. In the conditions of the sopo-plain zone of Northern Kazakhstan, it is stated that double grass mixtures with treatment with nodule bacteria for legumes are more productive than traditional mono-crops of Northern Kazakhstan. Synergetic effect of the combination of crops and the use of biopreparations Rizotorfin, Mizorin, Flavobacterin and Azolen is demonstrated in the study by the growth of green mass yield, protein content and productivity of forages from grass mixtures.

The green mass yield when combining crops with Risotorfin inoculation increased by 8.79% for two-component grass mixtures compared to the corresponding weighted averages of monocultures, three-component grass mixtures showed greater advantage, increasing yield by 16.49% relative to monocultures.