Information on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 (implementation period of 36 months)

Brief information about the project

Project topic

IRNAR09058089 Creation and use of a multi-year near-village pasture conveyor for productive dairy horse breeding of a stable-pasture maintenance system

Project manager

Baidalin Marden Ersainovich PhD, Associate Professor

Terms of implementation


The amount of financing

50,851,534 tenge


The scientific novelty and significance of the research lies in the fact that, for the first time, the expediency of creating a multi–year near-village pasture conveyor and using a stable-pasture maintenance system for productive dairy horse breeding aimed at improving degraded near-village pasture lands and increasing the yield of milk from dairy mares and its quality has been scientifically substantiated and practically proven.


Development of a multi-year near-village pasture conveyor for productive dairy horse breeding of a stable-pasture maintenance system

Project results

  1. The types and combinations of grass mixtures for the pasture conveyor have been selected. MPC schemes have been developed for early-maturing, mid-maturing and late-maturing legume-cereal herbage of the 2nd and 3rd year of life of forage grasses.
  2. A long-term near-village pasture conveyor has been tested for productive dairy horse breeding of a stable-pasture maintenance system.
  3. The bioenergetic, ecological and economic efficiency of a multi-year near-village pasture conveyor for productive dairy horse breeding of a stable-pasture maintenance system has been calculated.

Two (2) articles have been published in peer-reviewed scientific publications on the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Scopus database and having a CiteScore percentile of at least 35 (thirty-five).

  1. Baidalina S, Baidalin M, Khusainov A, Kazydub N, Bakin A (2023). Photosynthetic activity, productivity, and nutritional value of moving and grazing phytocenoses depending on the species composition of grasses. COLLECTED by J. Nonsense. Genet. 55(3): 825-835.
  2. Ualiyeva, G. T., Sagalbekov, U. M., Baidalin, M. E., Yancheva, H. (2022). Development of a Model, Selection and Evaluation of the Source Material for the Plant Breeding of Alfalfa Varieties with Increased Seed Productivity. OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 22(1), 139-148.

Three (3) articles have also been published in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity.

1.Baidalina S.E., Baidalin M.E., Ansabaeva A.S., Khusainov A.T. The effect of drought on the nitrate content in the herbage of the first year of life of perennial pasture grass mixtures. 3i: intellect, idea, innovation - intelligence, idea, innovation, No. 4 (2022), 92-102.DOI: 10.52269/22266070_2022_4_92

2.Baidalina S.E., Baidalin M.E., Seilkhanov T.M., Khusainov A.T. Productivity and quality of the herbage of the first year of life of perennial pasture grass mixtures depending on the species composition in the conditions of the hill-plain zone of Northern Kazakhstan.Bulletin of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Kyzylorda, 2022, No.4 (63). pp.130-138.

3.Baidalin M.E., Ualieva G.T., Sagalbekov U.M., Tagaev K.J., Baidalina S.E. The nutritional value of the herbage of perennial grass mixtures depending on the species composition.Scientific and practical journal of the West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan "Science and Education", Uralsk, 2022, No. 4-2 (69). pp.173-182.

A monograph has been published in two volumes:

  1. Natural forage lands of Northern Kazakhstan. Volume 1 / Almaty: Evero, 2022. – 236 p.;
  2. Natural forage lands of Northern Kazakhstan.Volume 2 / Almaty: Evero, 2022. – 268 p.