Information on scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects of grant financing by Ministry of Science and Higher EducationRepublic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing Grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 (implementation period 36 months)

Project summary

Project title

AP23490379 The life and culture of the Yessil-Sileti historical and geographical region's population: ethnoarchaeological study

Project manager

Zhanissov A

Implementation period


Amount of funding

TOTAL Expenditure Estimate - 88796100 KZT

1st year expenditure estimate - 29455170 KZT

Expenditure estimate for the 2nd year - 29685480 KZT

Expenditure estimate for the 3rd year - 29655450 KZT


The main idea of the project is to study and create new concepts of the continuity of the main features of everyday and economic culture based on materials from the monuments of early nomads and the Kazakh people who inhabited the Ishim-Sileti historical and geographical region at different times. The new concepts will be based on archaeological materials from monuments from two different chronological eras.

These include settlement sites of the Sakas and Kazakh wintering - kystau of ethnographic time. The goal of the project is to study and analyze the development of culture, the dynamics of its change and continuity among the population of the Ishim-Sileti region from the early Iron Age to the Modern Age on the basis of new scientific approaches.


Obtaining and introducing into scientific circulation new primary data representing opportunities for field-economic reconstructions through in-depth study of life and material culture based on materials of settlements of the early Iron Age and wintering Kazakhs by studying settlement monuments ancient population

Project outcomes

Scientific literature and archival data on the research topic will be systematized. Scientific conclusions are drawn on the history of the study of the topic, historical and ethnographic continuity.

Scientific and information data on the unique artifacts of the material culture of the Sakas of Northern Kazakhstan will be collected and systematized, and their historical and cultural attribution will be carried out.

During the field research, stratigraphic excavations with an area of at least 100 square meters will be carried out on the territory of Saka settlements and Kazakh winterings.

In addition, the historical and topographical structures of mounds, burial grounds, settlements, wintering quarters will be studied, digital topographic maps and 3D drawings of the area will be created using the photogrammetry method. This result of the project provides ample opportunities for studying monuments in the information space, promoting them, increasing tourist attractiveness and using them for other socio-economic purposes.

As a result of complex interdisciplinary research based on organic substances, new data have been obtained and new scientific conclusions have been made. The results of radiocarbon analysis of organic remains will be obtained (at least 12 samples). Thanks to this, the absolute date of the monument will be established. A traceological analysis of stone tools (at least 50 units) and a ceramic analysis of ceramic products will be carried out. Scientific conclusions will be drawn about the economic development of the region based on archaeozoological studies of animal bones found during excavations.

As a result of processing the main results of the study, a substantiated historical and ethnographic reconstruction of the Saka settlement and the winterings of the Kazakhs will be made.

Planned publications to publish the results of the project:

- at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews will be published in domestic or foreign scientific publications recommended by Committee for Quality Assurance in the Sphere of Education;

- at least 1 (one) article or review will be published in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed by the Social Science Citation Index and located in the 1 (first) or 2 (second) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) having at least sixty-five (65th) percentile in the Scopus database from CiteScore.

- 1 (one) article will be published in the proceedings of the scientific conference.

- At least 2 information materials will be published on media pages and social networks in order to disseminate and promote achievements and new discoveries on the project.

Development of scientific, technical, design documentation:

- Based on the scientific findings of the study, a special project document will be prepared and an author’s certificate confirming intellectual property rights will be obtained.

Dissemination of work results among potential users, the scientific community and the general public:

The scientific results achieved during the research and articles can be used in the form of additional material in various fields of education, as a source of data for scientific research. In addition, objects of historical and cultural heritage can be used by museums to promote the results. Such experiences are of great social significance and have great potential for increasing the sense of national pride and patriotism of the people of Kazakhstan.

The target consumer of the results obtained during the implementation of the project is the scientific environment, and secondary consumers are the spheres of education, culture, and monument protection. The results of the work will be communicated to potential users, the scientific community and the general public in the traditional way through the media, social networks, articles and thematic exhibitions.

The socio-economic result of the project is to increase the accessibility of historical heritage sites to the public through their research and the introduction of museum collection exhibits into scientific circulation.