Information on scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects of grant financing by Ministry of Science and Higher EducationRepublic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing Grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 (implementation period 36 months)

Project summary

Project title

ИРН AP19676455 «Scientific and methodological approaches to popularization of science in children's and youth environment by modern technological means of communications».

Project manager

Diana Sairanovna Sabitova, Associate Professor, PhD

Implementation period


Amount of funding

50 937 252 tenge


According to the analytical data of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan today in civil universities the ratio of students by levels of education is distributed as follows: 90% of bachelors, 9% of masters and less than 1% of PhDs. While the global trend of the ratio corresponds to 54% of bachelors, 43% of masters and 3% of PhDs. At the same time, there are 662 scientists per one million population in the RoK in 2018, compared to 994 in Ukraine, 1235 in China, 1340 in Georgia, 2130 in Bulgaria, 2851 in the Russian Federation, and 4256 in the USA.

At the same time, there has been a sharp decline in the number of scientific personnel since Kazakhstan gained independence. For example, while in 1990 the number of scientific personnel was 50626, in 2018 the figure was 22378. Static data clearly demonstrate that the RK has the lowest indicator of the number of scientists per capita. That is, over the past thirty years there has been a persistent trend of decline in the intellectual potential of the country, although the state is taking measures aimed at the activation of scientific activity through grant funding projects, PCF, "Zhas ғalym", competitions "Best Researcher", increasing the number of grants PhD, etc. All this indicates the crisis state of science as a social institution, and the consequences of this crisis are reflected in the development of industry, business and the economy of the whole state. One of the ways out of the crisis is to popularize science among the general public, schoolchildren, students, the business sector and the state.


The aim of the project is a scientific-theoretical substantiation of the process of popularization of science in children and youth environment on the basis of identified effective channels of perception by modern technological means of communication to stimulate their interest in scientific activity

Project outcomes

Publications: - not less than 1 (one) article or review in a peer-reviewed scientific publication indexed in Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index and (or) Web of Science database and (or) having a CiteScore percentile in Scopus database not less than 35 (thirty-five); - as well as at least 2 (two) articles and (or) reviews in peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publications recommended by the Committee of Control in the field of science and higher education 2) publication of 1 monograph on the subject of the project; 3) development of Communication Strategy on popularization of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2025-2028; 4) obtaining of protection documents: 4) obtaining the following documents: 4) obtaining the following documents: 4) obtaining the following documents: 4) obtaining the following documents: 1) publication of the project in the Republic of Kazakhstan4) obtaining protection documents: - obtaining copyright on the methodology for assessing the interest of schoolchildren and students in scientific activity; - obtaining copyright on the methodology for assessing the image of a scientist in Kazakhstan; - obtaining copyright on a collective monograph on popularization of science in Kazakhstan; 5) dissemination of the results of the work among potential users, the community of scientists and the general public - coverage of the research results and their dissemination among the scientific community in the form of conferences, webinars, training workshops.