3. IRN AP09259015 "Development of technology for efficient processing of organic waste by thermophilic fermentation and production of biological fertilizer". (Bayazitova Zulfiya Erzatovna)
Information on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1) Grant financing grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 (implementation period of 36 months)
Brief information about the project
Project topic
IRN AP09259015 "Development of technology for efficient processing of organic waste by thermophilic fermentation and production of biological fertilizer".
Project manager
Bayazitova Zulfiya Erzatovna, PhD, Associate Professor
Terms of implementation
The amount of financing
48,719,384 tenge
The project is aimed at preventing the deterioration of the ecological conditions of the region and improving the sanitary and epidemiological situation by developing an effective method for the biological processing of food waste generated in public catering establishments, private households, and various food industry enterprises by anaerobic digestion and obtaining high-quality fertilizer. The use of environmentally friendly biofertilizers increases soil fertility and crop yields without the use of mineral fertilizers. The project involves conducting educational work among the population and explaining the dangers of burial, which leads to environmental pollution, land reduction, fires, etc. in order to introduce a dual garbage collection system and effective food waste processing technology.
To develop a proposal and technology for a dual system for collecting and processing organic waste from enterprises in Kokshetau by thermophilic fermentation in a bioreactor, considering their physicochemical and toxicological characteristics and obtaining various options for biological fertilizers. To determine the effectiveness of the fertilizers obtained during experimental field studies for use in agriculture.
Project results
Based on the results of the research, an inventory of food waste from food industry enterprises and private households in the city of Kokshetau was carried out, a database was created taking into account qualitative and quantitative characteristics. The physico-chemical and toxicological parameters of organic waste, the most typical for enterprises of the city of Kokshetau, have been determined. The process of thermophilic fermentation of mixed organic waste in a metal laboratory biogas reactor of continuous operation, taking into account their chemical composition, has been studied. The influence of various factors on the speed and efficiency of this process, as well as the chemical composition and toxicological properties of the resulting fertilizer after the bioreactor have been studied. Laboratory and field studies have been conducted to study the effect of doses and ratios of biofertilizers on the yield of the most common agricultural crops in the Akmola region. The economic efficiency of the implementation of an organic waste recycling system is calculated. A sociological survey was conducted to identify the readiness of the population for dual waste sorting in the city of Kokshetau.
3 (three) articles have been published in peer-reviewed scientific publications on the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Scopus database and having a CiteScore percentile of at least 50 (fifty).
- Bayazitova, Z.E.; Rodrigo-Ilarri, J.; Rodrigo-Clavero, M.-E.; Kurmanbayeva, A.S.; Safronova, N.M.; Belgibayeva, A.S.; Zhaparova, S.B.; Baikenova, G.E.; Kakabayev, A.A. Relevance of Environmental Surveys on the Design of a New Municipal Waste Management System on the City of Kokshetau (Kazakhstan). Sustainability 2022, 14, 14368. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142114368 percentile 85, Magazine rating: JCR— Q2 (English)
- Bayazitova, Z.E.; Kurmanbayeva, A.S.; Tleuova Zh.О., Temirbekova N.G. в журнал Journal of Ecological Engineering (ISSN22998993-Poland). APPLICATION OF THE THERMOPHILIC FERMENTATION METHOD TO OBTAIN ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY ORGANIC FERTILIZER / Journal of Ecological Engineering 2023, 24(4), 202–216 https://doi.org/10.12911/22998993/159647; ISSN 2299–8993, License CC-BY 4.0 https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21100246533. percentile 52, Magazine rating: JCR— Q2 (English)
- Bayazitova, Z.E.; Kurmanbayeva, A.S.; Kakabayev, A.A.; Belgibayeva, A.S.; Baidalin, M.E.; Bogapov I.M. “Impacts of Anaerobic Thermophilic Fermentation on Physicochemical Characteristics of Effluents Derived from Diverse Organic Feedstocks accepted for publication in the International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics (ISSN 1755-7437) in issue Vol. 18, No. 5. Link to the journal's profile in Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/14200154728 Percentile 54, Magazine rating: JCR— Q2(English)
6 (six) have also been published articles in publications recommended by the Committee on Quality Assurance in the field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity.
- Z.E. Bayazitova, A.S. Kurmanbayeva, A. A. Kakabayev, S.B. Zhaparova, G.S. Baituk, А. Zandybay, G.E Baikenova ASSESSMENT OF ECOLOGICAL DANGER OF SEEPAGE WATER SOLID WASTE LANDFILL OF KOKSHETAU.- Bulletin of KazNU "Ecological series".- v. 70, n. 1, p. 46-55, apr. 2022. ISSN 2617-7358. (Al Farabi Kazakh National University). https://doi.org/10.26577/EJE.2022.v70.i1.05 (English)
- S.B. Zhaparova, Z.E. Bayazitova, A.S. Kurmanbayeva, A.A. Kakabaev, J.B.Bekpergenova Thermophilic fermentation of household food waste Bulletin of Karaganda University. The series "Biology. Medicine. Geography". ISSN-L 2518-7201 (Print). ISSN 2663-5003 (Online).- Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketova, No. 3 (102)/2022- pp. 56-66 DOI 10.31489/2022BMG3/56-66 (Russian)
- Tleuova Zh.O., Makeeva L.A., Bayazitova Z.E., Kapbassova G.A., Shaimerdenova Z.M. Stabilization of organic municipal solid waste by composting// Bulletin of Karaganda University. The series "Biology. Medicine. Geography". ISSN-L 2518-7201 (Print). ISSN 2663-5003 (Online).- Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov, 2022- pp. 116-122 DOI 10.31489/2022BMG1/116-121 (English)
- E. Bayazitova, N. G. Temirbekova, A. D. Makhmutova "the effectiveness of using effluent as an organic fertilizer in potato cultivation" multidisciplinary scientific journal of Kostanay regional university named after A. Baitursynov. “3i: intellect, idea, innovation - Intelligence, idea, innovation " 2022. - No. 4. - p. 210-221 doi: 10.52269/22266070_2022_4_110 (Kazakh)
- Bayazitova Z.E., Kurmanbayeva A.S., Tleuova Zh.O., Belgibaeva A.S., Temirbekova N.G. Study of the effect of fertilizers obtained as a result of anaerobic thermophilic fermentation on plant growth processes.-Republican scientific and methodological journal BULLETIN of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University.- Kyzylorda, No. 1 (64) 2023.-pp. 155-167 (Russian)
- Z.E. Bayazitova , A.S. Kurmanbayeva, S.B. Zhaparova, A.S. Belgibaeva, Zh.O. Tleuova, N.G. Temirbekova The effect of anaerobic thermophilic fermentation of organic waste on changes in the content of biogenic elements Bulletin of KazNU. Environmental series No2 (75). 2023.- pp.4-13 https://doi.org/10.26577/EJE.2023.v75.i2.01 (Russian)
Two monographs and two textbooks have been published:
- Z.E. Bayazitova, S.B. Zhaparova "Organikalyk kaldyktardy kaita ondeu".- Oku kuraly.-"Salem" baspasy, Kokshetau, 2022.- 200b. (Kazakh)
- Bayazitova Z.E., Kurmanbayeva A.S., Abisheva G., Akhmetova A.B. Ecological aspects of the impact of landfills of solid household waste on the environment: monograph/– IP "Salem". - Almaty, 2023. - 168 p. (Russian)
- Z.E.Bayazitova, A.S.Kurmanbayeva, S.B. Zhaparova., A.A.Kakabaev, A.S.Belgibaeva Development of technology for effective processing of organic waste by thermophilic fermentation to obtain biological fertilizer: monograph/ IP "Salem" . - Almaty, 2023.-330 p. (Russian)
- Z.E.Bayazitova, S.B.Zhaparova, A.S.Kurmanbayeva The use of fertilizers from food waste: increasing soil fertility and sustainable agriculture: Textbook / IP "Salem" . - Almaty, 2023.- 143 p. (Russian)