4. IRNAR09258554 "Creation of a network of Children's universities KAZСUNET" (Damekova Saule Kayrollovna)
Information on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
1) Grant funding for scientists on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 (implementation period of 36 months)
Brief information about the project
Project topic
IRNAR09258554 "Creation of a network of Children's universities KAZСUNET"
Project manager
Damekova Saule Kayrollovna Ph.D., Associate Professor
Terms of implementation
The amount of financing
57,400,401.20 tenge
The project "Creation of a network of Children's universities KAZCUNET" has introduced in Kazakhstan a national model of children's universities based on the best practices of Kazakhstani universities and has entered the European Network as an organized network of universities for children. Scientific research has been carried out on the problems of children's universities: the influence of children's universities on the socialization and openness of universities, issues of inclusive education and work with children from educationally and socially disadvantaged groups at a children's university, the influence of a children's university on the development of university educational policy, issues of scientific communication between children and scientists, the adoption of information technologies in open education. The project contains a video database of popular science lectures for children on the KAZCUNET platform. The project is interdisciplinary and covers knowledge from the fields of scientific communication, psychology, pedagogy, natural science (chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology, computer science, geography), programming and databases, art and ethics.
The creation of the KAZUNET network to support the growth of Children's universities in Kazakhstan and the development of innovative approaches, models of international cooperation and exchange between participants in the movement of universities for children.
Project results
- a model of a Children's University of open school education has been developed based on the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and the experience of implementing European projects promoting the concept of open learning
- the methodology of open school education has been elaborated based on the model of a Children's University using the developed mini-experimental equipment.
- theoretical research has been carried out on the problems of the activities of children's universities: the influence of children's universities on the socialization and openness of universities, issues of inclusive education and work with children from educationally and socially disadvantaged groups at a children's university, the influence of a children's university on the development of educational policy of the university, issues of scientific communication of children and scientists, as well as the issues of information andcommunication technologies in open school education.
- the content of the educational program of the Children's University has been determined, mini-experimental equipment and methods of its application have been developed, as well as forms of organization of classes at the Children's University.
- the KAZCUNET platform has been developed with content on the activities of Children's Universities in Kazakhstan and 54 short videos on the topics of Children's University classes have been posted (24 videos in 2021 and 30 videos in 2023)
- The model of the Children's University has been experimentally tested through implementation and evaluation in real conditions at various universities of Kazakhstan registered in KAZCUNET.
- an environment has been prepared for the sustainable operation of the open education system based on the developed mini-experimental equipment in Children's Universities of Kazakhstan after the end of the project through active community building and the creation of the KAZCUNET network, dissemination of information, organization of scientific events for children and scientists, publication of methodological recommendations and the book "Children's University".
One (1) article has been published in peer-reviewed scientific publications on the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Scopus database and having a CiteScore percentile of at least 35 (thirty-five).
1 Damekova, S. K., Karassyova, L. N., Medetov, N. A., Ozhibayeva, Z. M., & Tsvetkov, B. (2023). Implementation of a Web Application and GIS Electronic Atlas for Teaching in Open Education. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE), 18(1), 1-23. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJITWE.329971
Four (4) articles have also been published in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity.
1 New L., Nurmukhanbetova N.N, Durmekbayeva Sh.N., Fakhrudenova I.B., DamekovaS.K. Prospects of the children's university of Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University (irnar 09258554). Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. The Pedagogy series. Psychology. Sociology", №2 (139) 2022.
2 Navy L., Damekova S.K., Nurmuhanbetova N.N. The importance of organizing a children's university. BULLETIN of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. PEDAGOGY. PSYCHOLOGY. SOCIOLOGY Series. № 3 (136)/2021.
3 Damekova S.K., Turtkaraeva G.B., Zhumazhanov E.K., Dzhakupova A.N., Damekov A.J. Creation of a mobile educational platform for a children's university. Enbekteri University – Proceedings of the University Map.№1 (86)/ 2022
4 Ospanbekova M., Ostretsova I. Features of the implementation of the children's university Ualikhanov university program in the context of global competencies // Pedagogy and Psychology. – 2023. – № 2(55). – Pp.54-63: DOI: 10.51889/2077-6861.2023.30.2.029
The KAZCUNET Web platform has been developed and an author's certificate/ Copyright certificate for the computer program No. 27344 dated 06/21/2022 "KAZCUNET Network software product " has been obtained.
A book has been published :
Damekova S.K., Durmekbaeva Sh.N., Nurmukhanbetova N.N., Naviy L.N., Ostretsova I.B. Children's University - Astana, 2022.-208 p.
Издана монография :-
Damekova S.K., Durmekbaeva Sh.N., Nurmukhanbetova N.N., Naviy L.N., Ostretsova I.B. Natural science education of primary school children in open education – Kokshetau, 2023.- 271 pages, illustrations