Information on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024 (implementation period of 30 months)

Brief information about the project

Project topic

IRN AP 14869264 "Motivational reflection of children in the context of mono- and bilingual personality formation"

Project manager

Zhakupova Aigul Doszhanovna – PhD, Professor of the Department of General Linguistics and Literature

Terms of implementation


The amount of financing

44 645 106 tenge


In the last decade the child's speech world has increasingly become the object of research by scientists, however, insufficient attention is paid to the linguistics of children's speech in Kazakhstan. A comprehensive approach to the study of MR of children forming in the mono- and bilingual society of Kazakhstan has not yet been undertaken. For the first time, a comparative motivological study of children's MR was conducted based on the indications of the metalanguage consciousness of preschool and primary school age children in psycholinguistic and cognitive aspects.


Within the framework of the theory of comparative motivology, 1) to investigate MR as a lingo-cognitive operational mechanism for understanding linguistic facts based on the indications of the metalanguage consciousness of preschool and primary school age children formed in the conditions of mono- and bilingual society in Kazakhstan; 2) to identify universal and specific features of MR of monolingual and bilingual children.

Project results

1) A theoretical and methodological concept has been created for the study of children's MR in the context of the formation of a mono-bilingual personality based on the works of domestic and foreign scientists in ontolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, comparative motivology.

2) A methodology has been developed for the psycholinguistic study of the MR of monolingual and bilingual children.

3) A motivological analysis of vocabulary was carried out based on the indications of the metalanguage consciousness of the respondent children within the framework of motivology, as a result of which the "motivational passport" of each word was determined according to the parameters of the theory of lexical motivation of words.

4) The associative and motivational potential of children's linguistic consciousness is described; operational language algorithms are presented that stimulate a child to meaningfully learn language through MR, in the form of diagrams/diagrams, and a research model of the linguocognitive (linguocreative) experience of language acquisition and cognition by a child. 5) The universal and specific features of children's linguistic reflection, actualized in relation to motivated vocabulary, are identified, the reflexives dominating in the linguistic consciousness of a monolingual child and a bilingual child are identified, strategies for understanding the inner form of a word and motivational processes are identified, and the word-making abilities of children formed in the mono- and bilingual environment of Kazakhstan are characterized.

6) Recommendations have been developed on the use of knowledge about the peculiarities of children's MR for practical teachers in the process of preparing literacy and literature classes for children studying in pre-school and elementary schools.

1 (one) article has been published in a peer-reviewed scientific publication on the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Scopus database and having a CiteScore percentile of at least 35 (thirty-five).

Zhakupova A.D., Anishchenko O.A., Temirova J.G. A study of motivational reflection of monolingual children and bilingual children (based on the material of a psycholinguistic experiment) // Bulletin of Tomsk State University. Philology. (In print)

Two (2) articles have been published in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity.

  1. Zhakupova A.D., Zhumagulova O.A., Kairbekova I.S., Tleuberdina G.T. "Understandable misunderstandings" O.A.Sultanyaev and motivational reflection of children// Materials of the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Word in language and speech: modern research in philological sciences", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the birth of Doctor of Philology, Professor O.A.Sultanyaev. – Kokshetau. 2023 –pp.63-73
  2. Zhakupova A.D., Zhumagulova O.A., Kairbekova I.S., Tleuberdina G.T. Ontolinguistics of zhane balalar soyleu tilinin uzdemelik reflections//KazUMO Bulletin is named after Abylaikhan. Philology series. No.3 (70), 2023 - pp.65-83

Articles have also been published in collections of materials from International conferences, congresses, etc.

  1. Anishchenko O.A., Temirova J.G. The inner form of the word in the aspect of comprehension by monolingual and bilingual children // Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Valikhanov Readings - 27". – Kokshetau. 2023 –pp.35-40
  2. Zhakupova A.D., Zhumagulova O.A., Kairbekova I.S., Tleuberdina G.T. Methodology of comparative-motivological research of motivational reflection of children // Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Problems of ontolinguistics -2023: variability of speech ontogenesis". – St. Petersburg: A.I.Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University. 2023 - pp.176-186
  3. Anishchenko O.A., Temirova J.G. Motivational reflection of bilingual and monolingual children of northern Kazakhstan (based on the results of a psycholinguistic experiment) // Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Problems of ontolinguistics – 2023: variability of speech ontogenesis". – St. Petersburg: A.I.Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University. 2023 - pp.187-194.