Information on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024 (implementation period of 28 months)

Brief information about the project

Project topic

IRN No. AP14972630 "The role of multilingual education of schoolchildren in early profiling in the context of the Atlas of new professions and competencies of Kazakhstan"

Project manager

Moldabekova Sandugash Kayrkhanovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov

Terms of implementation


The amount of financing

17 413 907 tenge


Early profiling of schoolchildren is aimed at professional self-determination of the individual, which is a result of a conscious choice by the individual of his own position, goals and results. The problem of choosing a path arises for a person at a time when she does not yet have sufficient life experience, moreover, she is under the influence of modern trends in society, a change in the social prestige of many professions, and changes in the education system. A person should be aware that in order to achieve success in the professional field, one should have good professional training, possess communication skills, and have the ability to adapt to changed working conditions. Professional self-determination is an emotional and value-based attitude to the choice of a future profession, orientation towards the trajectory of personal and professional development.


Development of conceptual foundations and models of early profiling in the context of multilingualism as one of the main trends in the modern educational process aimed at developing the competitiveness of the student's personality.

Project results

The results of the research work on the project for 2023 were discussed at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the NAO "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov", at the scientific seminar "Actual problems of psychological and pedagogical science and modern education”.

An international leadership school, attended by scientists from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and the Russian Federation, was held, where topical issues of leadership in the professional sphere, theoretical and practical aspects of early profiling, the role of leadership in choosing a profession, etc. were actively discussed. A collection of materials from the round table "International School of Leadership: theory and practice" of the KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, 2023. – 122 p.

The educational and methodological manual "Implementation of multilingual education in the conditions of early profiling of schoolchildren" has been developed and published, which presents methodological and scientific and methodological aspects of the implementation of multilingual education in the context of the leading ideas of the development of early profiling of students in the conditions of the modern educational system.

At the stage of the project implementation in 2023, the results were obtained, which are reflected in the following publications:

1) Moldabekova S.K., Syzdykova B.R. Early profiling in professional self-determination as an indicator of success // Materials of the round table "International School of Leadership: theory and practice". – Kokshetau: KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, 2023. – pp. 105-108.

2) Stukalenko N.M., Prosandeeva I.A. Formation of leadership qualities in future teachers-psychologists // Materials of the round table "International School of Leadership: theory and practice". - Kokshetau: KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, 2023. – pp. 83-86.

3) S.K. Moldabekova, A.G. Shaimerdenova, N.M. Pazylova, A.M. Zatyneyko. Foreign language training of future teachers in the context of the modern paradigm of education. Bulletin of the Karaganda University. Series. – Karaganda, 2023, № 2 (110). – Pp.198-208 DOI 10.31489/2023Ped2/198-208

4) Moldabekova S.K., Stukalenko N.M., Prosandeeva I.A. Multilingual education with a focus on the development of a system of early profiling of students // Bulletin of Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. – Kokshetau, 2023, No.3. – pp.41-47

5) Moldabekova S.K., Stukalenko N.M., Prosandeeva I.A. Analysis of the experience of organizing specialized training in Kazakhstan and abroad // Bulletin of Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. – Kokshetau, 2023, No.3. – pp.84-94

6) Moldabekova S.K., Stukalenko N.M., Prosandeeva I.A. CAREER GUIDANCE ACTIVITIES OF A TEACHER- PSYCHOLOGIST WITH SENIOR CLASSES // Bulletin of Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. – Kokshetau, 2023, No.1. – pp.52-58

7) Moldabekova S.K., Syzdykova B.R., Stukalenko N.M. Competence-based approach to foreign language teacher training // Materials of the Regional Forum of educational psychologists, psychologists, social educators "Modern vectors of scientific understanding of psychological health of the individual in the XXI century". - Kokshetau: KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov, 2023. – pp. 59-63

8) Moldabekova S.K. Kainikenova G.K., Kusainova G.T. Approaches to multilingual training of future teachers. // Materials of the collection of scientific papers "Actual problems of pedagogy and psychology: challenges of the XXI century. - Moscow, Perspektiva, 2023. - pp. 406-409

9) Karpinskaya V.V., Moldabekova S.K. Professional self-determination of students as a factor of personality development and formation // Materials of the scientific and practical conference of students "The world of student science – new opportunities". – Kokshetau, 2023. – pp. 170-173

10) Ashimova Zh.S., Moldabekova S.K. Formation of professional self-determination of students at school. – Kokshetau, 2023. – pp. 46-49