Information on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of grant financing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing of young scientists for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2021-2023 (implementation period of 36 months)


Brief information about the project

Project topic

IRN AP09258780 "Germanica in Kazakhstan: language, ethnicity, personality in a sociolinguistic, lingo-personological and lingo-didactic perspective"

Project manager

Baymanova Lyazzat Seitzievna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Professor

Terms of implementation


The amount of financing

48,349,105 tenge


Currently, Kazakhstani scientists are not only studying the ethno-linguistic landscape of Kazakhstan and the changes taking place in it, but also considering the dynamics of growth or reduction in the number of speakers of these languages, language shifts, ethno-linguistic consciousness and linguistic portrait of speakers of certain languages, problems of identity of various ethnic groups. In this regard, the relevance of the research project on the German language and culture in Kazakhstan and the compilation of the "Modern social portrait of the German ethnic group in the Republic of Kazakhstan" by the members of the scientific project is beyond doubt and provides an opportunity to study the national characteristics of both Kazakhstani Germans and those who left for their historical homeland.


The study of the relationship between language, ethnos, society, and personality within the framework of the Germanica scientific direction in the context of multilingual, ethnocultural interaction of the people of Kazakhstan with an emphasis on the role and significance of the works of scientists studying Germanics in the development of domestic philological education, as well as in the training of comprehensive specialists in the countries of the German-speaking area.

Project results

  1. A collection of methodological recommendations describing the modern social portrait of the German ethnic group of Kazakhstan was published. Methodological recommendations for the results of the socio-linguistic survey in the region: "modern social portrait of a German ethnic group in the Republic of Kazakhstan" // Printing House "Altyn kitap", USL.P. L. 5, format 60*84/16. circulation 500 ex. -Nur-Sultan, 2021. Baimanova L. S., Shaimerdenova N. Zh. , Amanzholova D. B.
  2. The bio-bibliographic reference book "Kazakhstan of the XXI century: Germanica in persons" (in three languages) was published. // IP "Proff Design Studio", usl.p.l.53, format 60*84/16. Circulation of 500 copies - Nur-Sultan, 2021.Baymanova L.S., Sadvakasova A.K., Khaseinova G.S., Shaimerdenova N.J.
  3. An electronic textbook "Germanica in Kazakhstan: a linguodidactic aspect" was created. It is recommended by the UMO RMC on the basis of the KAZUMOY named after Abylai Khan (Protocol No. 10 of 06.06.2023).
  4. The Summer Educational School "New trends in the study of languages and cultures" was held, aimed at improving cross-cultural and linguistic competencies in two cities (Almaty, Kokshetau).
  5. The collective monograph "Germanica in Kazakhstan: language and personality" was published // Polygraphy "Altyn kitap", usl.p.l.12,13, format 60*84/16. The circulation is 500 copies. - Kokshetau, 2022. Baymanova L.S., Shaimerdenova N.J., Sadvakasova A.K., Khaseinova G.S., Amanzholova D.B.
  6. A specialized study room of foreign languages named after Gerold Belger has been designed for students of the KU named after Sh.Ualikhanov.
  7. A special analytical note was prepared on new trends in language teaching in the context of multilingualism and ethno-linguistic interaction with the development of certain recommendations on lingo-didactic approaches in teaching German, language theory, and the history of linguistic teachings based on a personological approach.
  8. An article was published in a peer-reviewed scientific publication on the scientific direction of the project, indexed in the Scopus database and having a CiteScore 77 percentile.Baimanova, L., Khasseinova, G., Nagymzhanova, K.M., Boken, G., Beisembayeva, S. Germanica in Kazakhstan: History and modernity // European Journal of Language Policy, 2023, 15(1), pp. 69-82). ISSN 17576822, DOI 10.3828/ejlp.2023.4, Scopus, percentile 77 (
  9. New Wikipedia pages were created with information about the contribution of domestic Germanists (Tleuzhanova Gulnaz Koshkimbaevna, Rysaldy Kusayyn Tynysbayly, Karlinsky Avram Efremovich, Isabekov Serik Ergalievich, Zhetpisbayeva Bakytgul Asylbekovna, Bizhkenova Aigul Ermekovna, Abdigali Sadyk Abdigaliuly, Baymanova Lyazzat Seitzievna) and public figures ( Baumeister Vladimir Albertovich, Vise Anatoly Rudolfovich, Degraf Gennady Andreevich, Dumler Alexander Filippovich, Merk Alexander Andreevich, Urich Konstantin Alexandrovich), who contributed to philological education and the successful development of Kazakhstan as a whole.
  10. Four (4) articles were published in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the publication of the main results of scientific activity:

- Sadvokasova A.K., Kenzhetaeva A., Baymanova L.S. Civil and ethnic identity of the German ethnic group of Kazakhstan // Scientific journal "Kazakhstan-Spectrum", published by the KISI under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Nur Sultan, Volume 99 No. 3 (2021). - pp. 28-40. (indexed by the COKNVO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan,;

- Shaimerdenova N.J., Kuznetsova I.N., Baymanova L.S. Borrowings within Educational and Sociocultural Context // Bulletin of KazNU. Almaty, Philological Series. No. 2.- Special Issue, 2021. - pp. 202-206. (indexed by the KOKSNVO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan);

- Sarsembayeva A.A., Nagymzhanova K.M., Baymanova L.S. Student multilingual competence formation at a technical university (MRNTI 28.23.11) // Bulletin of the Treasury. Almaty, Philological series. № 4 (184). – there is a certificate of acceptance for printing and a receipt for payment for publication (indexed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan).;

- Baymanova L.S., Shulembayeva K.M., Zhumanova G.J. The role of extracurricular work in motivating students to improve their spoken language // Bulletin of KazNU. Almaty, Philological series. – № 4 (192). – 2023. ( indexed by the COKNVO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

  1. 5 (five) certificates were received for entering information into the state register of rights to an object protected by copyright.
  2. 5 (five) round tables were held:

- round table "Romano-Germanic linguistics in modern Kazakhstan: scientists, concepts, works", organized in honor of the Day of European Languages;

- round table "The scientific picture of the world by Edige Tursunov in the context of modern research on Turkology and Germanistics", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the outstanding scientist E.D. Tursunov;

- round table "East-West: ancient Turkic and Ancient German relations", dedicated to the memory of Professor Amanzholov A.S.;

- round table dedicated to the Day of Gratitude within the framework of the Rukhani Zhangyru program "Mangilik el - bir el - bir tagdir" – "Eternal country – one people – one destiny";

- The round table "Cultural heritage and linguistic diversity in the modern era", dedicated to the International Mother Tongue Day.