23. ИРН AP22683056 «Biochemical and energy evaluation of sugar sorghum genotypes and improvement of biomass production techniques for conversion to bioethanol» (Bogapov Ildar Maratovich)
Information on scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects of grant financing by Ministry of Science and Higher EducationRepublic of Kazakhstan
1) Grant financing Grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 (implementation period 36 months)
Project summary
Project title
ИРН AP22683056 «Biochemical and energy evaluation of sugar sorghum genotypes and improvement of biomass production techniques for conversion to bioethanol»
Project manager
Bogapov Ildar Maratovich
Implementation period
Amount of funding
30 000 000 tenge
Studies on sugar sorghum cultivation in Northern Kazakhstan have shown that agroclimatic resources of the region meet the biological needs of sugar sorghum. In this case, sugar sorghum, by its natural origin adapted to drought and low soil fertility, can be placed outside the arable land occupied by cereals. Its high sugar content in vegetative organs makes it the most promising crop in this region for bioethanol production. The limiting factors of sugar sorghum-based feedstock production are insufficient study of its cultivation technology. The dynamics of cell juice (syrup) accumulation both in the yield structure and by development phases during the growing season is to be studied; ecological testing of varieties with different maturity rates is to be conducted to identify the most productive of them; the chemical composition of nitrogen-free extractive substances for the content of the most digestible fractions is to be determined.
Development of methods to increase the gross collection of plant raw materials for bioethanol production on the basis of sugar sorghum and study of genotypes on biochemical composition, bioenergetic potential and quantitative composition of digestible fractions in biomass.
Project outcomes
- The improved technology fully fits into the system of machines used in silage cultivation, and no additional costs for the purchase of new machinery and equipment are required;
- When cultivated for bioethanol it is planned to obtain 300 c/ha (lower limit) of green mass against the average annual 150 c/ha in the agricultural zone when cultivated for silage.
- After pressing the cell juice (raw material for bioethanol) there is plant cake, which is 80...82% of the original weight of harvested biomass. In the process of preservation (silage, haying) the cake is a complete feed for cattle.