Information on scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects of grant financing by Ministry of Science and Higher EducationRepublic of Kazakhstan

1) Grant financing Grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 (implementation period 36 months)

Project summary

Project title

ИРН AP23488158 The history of the formation of the multiethnic composition of the population and the process of nation-building in Northern Kazakhstan (late XIX - XX centuries)

Project manager

Utegenov Marat

Implementation period

2024-2026 years

Amount of funding

87,368,219 thousand tenge


Today, after Kazakhstan gained independence and restored statehood, the task of forming a national identity is on the agenda. In this regard, an analysis of the history of the multiethnic composition of the population and the process of nation-building in the regions will allow local executive bodies to develop scientifically sound guidelines and recommendations for conducting national policies aimed at shaping national identity.


The purpose of the project is a comprehensive, systematic study of the process of formation of the multiethnic composition of the population of the north of Kazakhstan in the period from the end of the nineteenth to the twentieth century and the building of a nation in the region at the present stage and the development of research work that will become the basis of a new state ideological paradigm for the formation of national identity of the state.

Project outcomes

Expected results

  1. at least 2 (two) articles or reviews in a peer-reviewed scientific publication with 35 (thirty-five) percentiles on the Social Science Citation Index or Arts and Humanities Citation Index of the Web of Science database and (or) CiteScore of the Scopus database;

- in addition, at least 4 (four) articles or reviews in a peer-reviewed foreign and (or) domestic publication recommended by the Federal State Educational Standard;

- or at least one (1) article or review in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed by the Social Science Citation Index and having at least 65 (sixty-five) percentiles in the Scopus database by impact factor per 1 (first) or 2 (second) quartile by impact factor in the Web of Science database and (or) according to CiteScore; as well as in peer-reviewed scientific publications submitted by at least 2 (two) articles or reviews in foreign and (or) domestic publications;

- or at least 3 (three) articles and/or reviews in peer-reviewed scientific publications indexed by the Arts and Humanities Citation Index in the Web of Science database.

2. Development of a collective monograph on the topic of research work.

3. development of a textbook for students in the direction of a scientific project.

4. development of recommendations to local departments of internal policy to identify and prevent the causes of ethnic and social tension in the northern regions of Kazakhstan;

5. Organization of an international scientific conference on national identity in Kazakhstan and interethnic relations in the region.

6. organization of a scientific seminar, a round table with the participation of scientists, public figures, employees of local executive bodies, local historians on the basis of materials collected during the research work.

7. The act of using and implementing the research results in the activities of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

8. Preparation of an expert report with scientific articles based on materials and questionnaires collected during field expeditions.

9. organization of a competition of events, essays, scientific papers in order to form national and civic values among young people.

10. Maintaining the project's web page.

11. conducting interviews in the media to promote the results of research work in order to involve society in country affairs, familiarize with the main results of the scientific project and prepare a historical and educational documentary on the topic of research work.