Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

Preparation of highly qualified personnel with a competitivelevel of knowledge in agronomy, professional skills with applicationof new technologies in the cultivation of agricultural crops byaccounting economical needs of Northern Kazakhstan anddevelopment of competent professionals in agriculture fields



For the development of competitive domestic technologies based on the latest achievements of science, it is possible only with the presence of highly qualified agronomic specialists. The educational program of the university provides for modernization and updating in the areas of training and prospects for the development of the profession, ensuring the implementation of the scientific and technical program for the development of agriculture. Focus on the regional labor market, natural resources and socio-economic infrastructure of Northern and Central Kazakhstan. Implementation of the results of the research work of creative teams of teachers and students in the educational process.

  • Plant Biology
  • Agrometeorology
  • Soil science
  • Agricultural entomology
  • Agricultural phytophathology
  • Breeding and seed production of agricultural crops
  • Agrochemistry
  • Vegetable cultivation

  • Agricultural mechanization
  • Integrated protection of field crops
  • Agriculture
  • Crop production
  • Feed production
  • Technology of storage and processing of crop products
  • Seed science
  • Precision Agriculture Basics

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Apply in social,humanitarian, ethnic,confessional and culturaldifferences to work in a team,demonstrate openness, honesty,tolerance. Possession of culturalthinking, the ability togeneralize, analyze, set a goaland choose to achieve the goal.
  • Demonstratecommunicative strategies ingovernmental and foreignlanguages to solve interpersonaland intercultural relations inprofessional sphere, follow thenorms of business ethics, knowthe methods of academicwriting, know the legal norms of behavior, strive for self-development.
  • Organize the productionprocess of human resourcemanagement in agriculturalformations on the basis of acritical assessment forms andmethods of the moderneconomy and regulatory legaldocuments. Determine the needfor technical material, ,financialand labor resources, ensurelabor safety, plan and manageprojects to achieve professionalgoals.
  • Demonstrate workexperience in global informationto do research and innovativework in agriculture, bequalifiable in the basicbiological sciences
  • Classify widespread in theregions of the Republic ofKazakhstan plants andagricultural crops bymorphological characteristicswith an assessment of theirphysiological, microbiologicalstate, product quality and able toperform work on bioclimaticand soil surveys of the territory.
  • Use soil cultivationtechnologies, knowledge inagricultural machinery, sowing,crop care, harvesting and othersbased on the compilation of technological maps for thecultivation of field crops.Development of landreclamation measures to createoptimal physical and chemicalproperties of the soil.
  • Design soil maps,agrochemical cartograms, theintroduction of an electronicdatabase of fields usingprecision farming, GIS data andremote sensing, draw up a planfor the distribution of fertilizersin crop rotation, restoration andreproduction of soil fertility,taking into account thebiological characteristics ofcrops.
  • Demonstrate knowledge ofquarantine inspection,examination of crop products,quality of feed and plantprotection to create an optimalphytosanitary state of fields, theability to use the basics ofeconomic knowledge in theimplementation of businessplans
  • Organize technologicaloperations for storage andplacement of crop products inaccordance with standards ofstandardization, ensuringagroecological safety, varietalcontrol
  • Organize and introduceinto production innovative,adaptive agrotechnical methodsof planted crops in various soiland climatic conditions,rationally and efficiently use theavailable land and otherresources. Calculation ofeconomic efficiency,programming factors forimproving growth andincreasing yields.