Computer systems and networks security
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian, English

Learning level


Duration of study

2 years

Objectives of the educational program

Preparation of Masters in the direction of "Information and communication technologies», with skills, knowledge and skills in the field of computer hardware and software, the development of research facilities and processing of information and cybersecurity, including research questions, the application of methods and techniques of modeling, problem solving, design and development of computer networks and computer systems, automated and high-performance systems and distributed information processing and management, protection of computer systems and networks in enterprises, planning processes and management activities and ensuring cybersecurity of the organization to improve the efficiency of the research subjects.

  • History and philosophy of science
  • Foreign language (professional)
  • Pedagogy of higher education
  • Psychology of management
  • Research culture and scientific ethics
  • Software development technologies for real-time systems

  • Fundamentals of cybersecurity
  • Architecture of cybersecurity systems
  • Risk management in information technology systems
  • Computer forensics
  • Strategic analysis of business and administrative technologies and communications
  • Reliability and efficiency of information security systems
  • Security assessment of communication and information systems
  • Applied virology
  • Applied cryptography
  • Cloud Computing Protection
  • Intelligent security systems
  • Cyber security and network protection
  • Java for security purposes
  • Industrial cybersecurity
  • Database cyber security design
  • Intelligent Information Security Platforms
  • Knowledge management
  • Multi-agent systems

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • ability to own methods of protecting computer systems and networks in enterprises: applies the principles of organizational of computing processes of digital control systems and system tools in development of real-time programs; use methods to view vulnerabilities and identify weaknesses in security systems, virus and antivirus computer technologies and hacking techniques
  • the ability to locate and diagnose faults in cyber infrastructure anomalies, apply invasion detection technologies and use network protection components: implement information security systems in information and communication systems in accordance with the standards for the evaluation of protected systems; apply methods and means of countering unauthorized receipt of information in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents of the technical
  • the ability to locate and diagnose faults, cyber infrastructure anomalies, apply invasion detection technologies and use network protection components: analyze and evaluate the functional safety and risks of information management systems.
  • have the ability to develop and apply mathematical methods, system and application software to solve problems of scientific and design and technological activities:apply the principles of cybersecurity and methods that apply to software development using Java, Java Cryptography Extension.
  • ability to apply modern methods and tools of applied informatics for automation and
  • the formation of ideas about the organization of work on the implementation of the research, the choice of methodological priorities, conditional on receipt of the findings and results of the study, corresponding to the high quality of its execution:to apply scientific and educational functions of science in research and in its activities.
  • to carry out scientific researches and to acquire new scientific and applied results independently and as a part of the scientific group.
  • to apply standards the skills of academic writing in English, training of scientific reviews, abstracts, compilation of abstracts and bibliographies on the subject of the research, analysis, scientific articles, writing academic texts of various sizes and genres.
  • the ability to analyze the current state of information security in the organization in order to develop requirements for the development of information security management processes:applies the main international and national standards regulating activities in the field of information security and methods, standards and approaches for describing, analyzing and documenting the architecture of the organization's information technology (IT); to develop and evaluate the models and policies of the enterprise (institution) safety based on the application of modern principles, methods and methods of the theory of protected systems; apply standard cryptographic algorithms and protocols to protect information.

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