Life safety and environmental protection
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

2 years

Objectives of the educational program

The development of the qualities of undergraduates as individuals, the formation of general cultural and professional (design, research, communicative, organizational and managerial, critical expert, pedagogical) competencies, the implementation of their professional skills (design, research, communicative, organizational and managerial, critical expert, pedagogical) in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic Kazakhstan


Objectives of the educational program

The development of the qualities of undergraduates as individuals, the formation of general cultural and professional (design, research, communicative, organizational and managerial, critical expert, pedagogical) competencies, the implementation of their professional skills (design, research, communicative, organizational and managerial, critical expert, pedagogical) in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic Kazakhstan

  • Management Psychology
  • History and philosophy of science
  • Higher school pedagogy
  • Research culture and scientific ethics
  • Foreign language (professional)
  • Forecasting the parameters of the state of the production environment, hazardous situations and hazardous areas
  • Current state of radiation safety (by industry), Risk management and system analysis
  • Modern information technologies in the Belarusian Railways
  • Management of environmentally friendly processes and production
  • Restoration of disturbed ecosystems (by industry)
  • Modern technological means of protection
  • Organization of occupational safety at enterprises
  • Environmental protection processes and devices
  • Environmental protection engineering and technology
  • Dangerous technologies and factors of industrial production
  • Modern methods of expertise (by industry), New technologies for the rational use of natural and raw materials resources
  • Analysis of combustible substances and combustion products Gorenje
  • Modern methods of risk assessment (by industry)
  • Assessment of reliability, survivability and safety of technical systems
  • Current problems in the field of life safety and environmental protection
  • Quality management in the field of life safety and environmental protection
  • Systems and management in life safety and environmental protection

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Demonstrate basic knowledge in natural sciences, socio-humanitarian and economic disciplines that contribute to the formation of a highly educated personality with a broad outlook and a culture of thinking
  • Development and commissioning of technological systems, networks and equipment for the implementation of life safety, environmental protection, protection in emergency situations;
  • To express the ability to work in a team, to defend their views correctly, to propose new solutions
  • Apply the ability to navigate modern information flows and adapt to dynamically changing phenomena and processes in the global economy
  • To practice participation in carrying out activities to ensure the safety of life and environmental protection, prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of a natural and man-made nature
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the regulatory legal framework in the field of labor protection, labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan On technical regulation, industrial, fire, transport, radiation, structural, chemical, biological safety, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population
  • To provide methodological assistance to the heads of structural divisions in the development of safe methods and methods of work of employees, instructions on labor protection and safety of industrial production
  • Analyze and evaluate proposals and comments on draft local regulations on occupational health and safety of industrial enterprises
  • Refer to the reference information database containing documents and materials on occupational safety at enterprises
  • To illustrate knowledge in matters of safety, engineering systems, management, economics, environmental protection