Digital agricultural systems and complexes (jointly with JSC "International University of Information Technologies")
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

4 year

Specialized subjects


Objectives of the educational program

Training of highly motivated personnel for innovative and agricultural areas, possessing theoretical andpractical knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their implementation in professional activities,meeting the needs of domestic and global intellectual labor markets, ready to commit a qualitativebreakthrough in the agricultural sector of the economy of Kazakhstan. The ultimate goal is to train aspecialist in the field of digitalization of agriculture, to increase the efficiency of the industry and provideadditional opportunities to consumers through the use of ICT technologies for processing, storing,exchanging and managing information.

  • Kazakh/Russian language
  • Foreign Language (A2)
  • InformationCommunicationTechnology
  • Modern history of Kazakhstan
  • Philosophy
  • Sociology
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Cultural studies
  • Physical Culture
  • Academic writing
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Algorithms, data structures and programming
  • Economic and mathematical modeling
  • Mathematical foundations of information technology
  • Electronics and circuitry
  • Theory of automatic control
  • Fundamentals of computer modeling
  • Digital devices and micro processes
  • Mathematics II
  • Software tools and methods of information protection
  • Web programming
  • IT- in the operation of agricultural machinery
  • Intelligent logistics systems in the agro-industrial complex
  • Embedded systems and the Internet of Things in the agro-industrial complex
  • Geoinformation technologies in agriculture
  • Unmanned vehicles and autopilots for self-propelled agricultural machinery
  • Основы экономики и предпринимательства
  • Основы права и антикоррупционной культуры
  • Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности
  • Экология и устойчивое развитие
  • Основы экономики и предпринимательства
  • Основы права и антикоррупционной культуры
  • Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности
  • Экология и устойчивое развитие
  • Лидерство и молодежная политика
  • Охрана труда и производственная безопасность в растениеводстве
  • Охрана труда и производственная безопасность в животноводстве
  • Основы агрономии
  • Основы животноводства
  • Современная сельскохозяйственная техника
  • Объектно-ориентированное программированиеII
  • Машинно-ориентированное программирование
  • Основы облачных технологий
  • Экспертные системы
  • Основы информационных систем
  • Теория информации
  • Объектно-ориентированное программирование
  • Системы управления базами данных
  • Программирование на Python
  • Автоматизация технологических процессов в растениеводстве и земледелии
  • Автоматизация технологических процессов в животноводстве
  • Метрология, стандартизация и подтверждение качества в растениеводстве и земледелии
  • Метрология, стандартизация и подтверждение качества в животноводстве
  • Инновационные технологии
  • Инновационные технологии в племенном животноводстве
  • Автоматизация прослеживаемости растениеводческой продукции
  • Digitalization of agrotechnical service
  • Automation of technological processes in crop production and agriculture
  • Automation of technological processes in animal husbandry
  • Metrology, standardization and quality assurance in crop production and agriculture
  • Metrology, standardization and quality assurance in animal husbandry
  • Innovative technologies
  • Innovative technologies in livestock breeding
  • Automation of traceability of crop production
  • Automation of traceability of livestock products
  • Automation of calculations of technological maps and production plans in crop production andagriculture
  • Automation of calculations of technological maps and production plans in animal husbandry
  • Digital technologies in crop production and agriculture
  • Digital technologies in animal husbandry
  • Intelligent control systems in the agro-industrial complex

Learning outcomes and competencies

To be guided by socio-humanitarian, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences in order to work ina team, to demonstrate openness, integrity, tolerance. Demonstrate communication strategies in the stateand foreign languages to solve the problems of interpersonal and inter-cultural interaction in theprofessional sphere of interaction.

To argue the choice of basic standards, principles and design patterns, methods, tools andprogramming languages, including choosing methods and means of building information security systemsof modern ICT. Apply mathematical models and methods of various processes. Create mathematicalmodels using methods of modern information technologies

To show sociability, initiative and psychological readiness for work, including when working in ateam and to make managerial and technical decisions.

To create and develop comprehensive software for the agricultural sector of the economy. Have goodprogramming skills.

Be able to develop new algorithms.

Understand the opportunities and risks of implementing digital technologies. To understand thetrends and prospects for the development of digital technologies. To understand the models of digitaltransformation that can be used for the development of an enterprise, region, industry.

To develop agricultural equipment and machinery intended for the production, processing andstorage of livestock and crop products, using modern technologies.

To configure, monitor work, use modern equipment and software tools involved in an agriculturalenterprise.

To modernize the existing equipment and management system at the farm complex using moderninformation technologies

To design technological processes for the production, processing and storage of crop and livestockproducts

To select modern solutions to increase the productivity of the enterprise based on the characteristicsof its work, life safety and financial capabilities.

Participate in the testing of software systems, automation tools, technological equipment,agricultural machinery.