Physics and modern scientific research
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

2 years

Objectives of the educational program

The purpose of the educational program 7M05302 – Physics and modern scientificresearch with the trajectory of training "Physical Sciences" is to provide conditions forobtaining high-quality professional education. Training of qualified personnel in physicswith high social and civic responsibility, capable of carrying out professional activities inthe following areas: education and formation of a comprehensively developedpersonality; formation of systematized knowledge in the field of physics.

  • Management Psychology
  • History and philosophy of science
  • Mathematical and computer modeling of pulsed pressure of an electric explosionin dispersed media
  • Methods of teaching physics in higher education
  • Higher school pedagogy
  • Research culture and scientific ethics
  • Research practice
  • Foreign language (professional)
  • Basic principles of modern physics
  • Introduction to Materials Science
  • Pedagogical practice
  • History and methodology of physics
  • Innovative approaches in teaching physics


Learning outcomes and competencies

  • to promote the development of a favorable educational environment for therealization of the cultural and linguistic needs of students;
  • plan and conduct research in the field of natural and psychological andpedagogical sciences to improve the practice of education and science;
  • apply modern teaching technologies and the latest achievements in the field ofphysics in higher education;
  • possess the skills of planning and conducting physical scientific research;
  • use theoretical and practical knowledge to formulate and solve research problems;implements research results into practical activities;
  • possess communication skills on the subject of their area of competence withequal status, the broad scientific community and society; clearly and clearlycommunicate their conclusions and knowledge and their justification to specialistsand non-specialists
  • to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas whenperforming a physical experiment;o apply the results of research and analytical work in the form of a dissertation,scientific article, report, analytical note and others.