Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level


Duration of study

2 years

Objectives of the educational program

The development of personal qualities among undergraduates, the formation of general cultural and professional competencies, the development of skills for their implementation in practice within the framework of project, research, organizational and managerial, expert, pedagogical work in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the country.



The educational program was developed within the framework of the Tempus I-Web educational project in the direction of integrated water resources. The research work of undergraduates is focused on the study of the territory of Northern Kazakhstan with insufficient moisture coefficient. Communication with foreign partners within the framework of the educational project will attract additional experience for the formation of analytical and evaluative mental skills of undergraduates.

  • Management psychology
  • History and philosophy of science
  • Pedagogy of higher education
  • Research culture and scientific ethics
  • Foreign language
  • Pedagogical practice
  • Meteorological studies of the atmosphere
  • Hydrological forecasts
  • Workshop on Research Methodology
  • Technology of teaching geography in secondary schools and universities
  • Environmental regulation and assessment of the sustainability of water bodies

Learning outcomes and competencies

P1. Applies domestic and foreign research materials for the development of review papers on the topics of philosophy of science, theory of pedagogy and geography;

P2. Develops documentation, control and lecture materials for the educational process, taking into account the educational and methodological requirements of higher education;

P3. Demonstrates knowledge of ICT in the organization of the educational process

P4. Illustrates the solution of ecological and geographical problems in scientific research of the coevolutionary development of regional systems and society;

P5. Develops and evaluates the structure of the lesson taking into account psychological and pedagogical methods, techniques, teaching tools, age characteristics of students

P6. Develops cartographic material by means of analog or digital compilation for the analysis of dynamics of physical and economic-geographical phenomena;

P7. Uses the latest and innovative methods in conducting research activities to assess or predict the emerging geographical reality

P8. Plans the stages of research work taking into account modern geographical and pedagogical paradigms, as well as academic integrity