Methodology of scientific research in mathematical education
Educational program code


Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian

Learning level

Doctoral Studies

Duration of study

3 year

Objectives of the educational program

Training of competitive, competent scientific and pedagogical personnel withprofessional, scientific competencies and skills of their implementation to meet the needsof science and the system of mathematical education at different levels



The educational program of the PhD 8D01501 doctoral program "Methodology ofscientific research in mathematical education" is the final stage of professional educationin the three-level bachelor-master-Doctor of Philosophy training system implementedunder the unified credit system of education. The educational program is aimed atpreparing for the implementation of teaching, research, management, educationalactivities. The educational program provides an opportunity to: - achieve a high level andquality of independent research, professional activity of doctoral students; - training ofhighly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel for the system of higherand postgraduate education and the research sphere, capable of contributing their ownoriginal research to the system of mathematical education at different levels

  • Academic writing
  • Methods of scientific research
  • Research practiceo
  • Methodology of scientific research and methods of teaching and upbringing in thefield of mathematics
  • Pedagogical practice
  • Scientific and methodological foundations of informatization of mathematicaleducation
  • Modern methods of mathematical and computer modeling
  • Actual problems of mathematical analysis and probability theory
  • Statistical methods of pedagogical research

Learning outcomes and competencies

  • Critically assesses the problems of the theory and practice of teachingmathematics at school and university, the national educational policy in the fieldof the use of ICT in education, offers its own original research andrecommendations to meet the needs of science and the system of mathematicaleducation, innovative strategies for integrating ICT in school and university
  • Creates and develops on-line materials and tasks to involve students in jointresearch and problem solving using modern methods of mathematical andcomputer modeling
  • Develops and improves theoretical and methodological approaches to the designand selection of mathematical education content for various educational systemsand develops innovative teaching technologies
  • Synthesizes (generates) ideas, offers non-standard solutions, evaluates the resultsof innovations in scientific and pedagogical activities, manages pedagogical andscientific processes in conditions of development uncertainty, showing ingenuity,flexibility and criticality of mind, intuition, ability to analyze, synthesize andcombine; makes non-standard, scientifically based decisions in complex dynamicsituations.
  • Explores innovative trends in the world practice of mathematical education duringthe internship period, compares them with trends in the domestic system ofmathematical education and, based on the results of the comparison, suggestsways and means to further improve mathematical education Interprets the resultsof pedagogical research, assesses the limits of their applicability, possible risks oftheir implementation in the educational and socio-cultural environment
  • Recommends and distributes licensed own original educational resources,including electronic ones, and forms a digital environment for the creation andaccumulation of knowledge
  • Organizes professional on-line communities or shares innovative pedagogicalpractice through pedagogical contests, plans and solves problems of his ownprofessional and personal development