Project grant holder: Guglielmo Marconi University of Studies
Project start date: November 15, 2018
Project end date: November 14, 2021
Duration (in months): 36 months
Registration number: 598377-EPP-1 -2018-1 -IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
Characteristics, goals and objectives of the project
The pilot project of KUTEL will be aimed at strengthening the role of higher education (HE) in Kazakhstan, a strategic tool for stimulating economic growth, increasing the level of employment, and consequently the quality of life and social welfare of citizens. KUTEL promotes the reform and modernization of HE through the introduction of the national Quality Assurance System (QA) for technology-based education (TBE), new and complex in the EU and Kazakhstan, the introduction of accreditation standards, guidelines and procedures for QA courses and training programs for TBE at the national/international level.
Thus, KUTEL will contribute to increasing the number of students, despite the difficult conditions of unstable economic growth, through the widespread use of e-learning methods and high-quality education.
Key results that meet existing needs and support national/EU priorities:
- Accreditation standards, methodological recommendations and quality assurance procedures (QA) for the development of TBE training programs in Kazakhstan in accordance with EU practice;
- The pilot training is intended for key participants of the public/ private HE system, academic staff and accreditation bodies of the HE QA in order to improve competencies / skills to create the basis of the QA in the TBE training programs;
- Teaching methods that have been modernized and reformed through the development of a quality assurance system (QA) within the framework of blended learning;
- The EU Roadmap for the TBE quality standard, the basic Kazakhstan TBE Quality Assurance system, and the recommendations of the QA system will be further developed for the successful process of capacity building.
Expected effect:
Direct beneficiaries responsible for the modernization of the HE are involved in a pilot 85-minute training, those who participate in each national development event (about 40/50 participants at the 1st and about 80 at the 2nd); 6000 visitors to the KUTEL website; 150 participants at the final conference; database contacts with an estimate of 100/150 per project country. About 50 teachers and 5 government agencies from Kazakhstan partners were involved in the preparatory stage.
This project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. This website reflects the opinion of the author only, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use of the information contained therein