On February 26, 2025, at the Higher School of Medicine, located at 1a Akan Sery Street, Kokshetau, the distribution meeting for 7th-year medical interns specializing in General Medicine took place.
A total of 97 interns participated in the distribution process. They were studying under Akmola region grants, named scholarships, Ministry of Health grants, as well as self-financed programs.
- Commission Members:
- Representative of the Akmola Region Health Department
- Director of the Higher School of Medicine – Muratbekova Svetlana Kabdenovna
- Acting Head of the Department – Abdikazimova S.G.
- Lecturer – Dyussenbina Zh.D.
- Representatives of medical organizations from Akmola region and Kokshetau attended the job fair:
- Kokshetau City Polyclinic – Deputy Chief Physician Syzdyk Rysty Toleutaevna
- Republican Rehabilitation Center "Burabay" – Deputy Chief Physician Alniyazova Zhanar Tolganbekovna
- LLP "Viamedis" Kokshetau – HR Manager Kubysheva Raikhan Magauiyanovna
- Primary Healthcare Center of Krasny Yar – HR Manager Ukeeva Lyazzat Karshybaevna
- State Municipal Enterprise "Stepnogorsk Multidisciplinary City Hospital" – Deputy Chief Physician Sherimov Odilkhan Muratkhanovich
- Our medical interns had the opportunity to be assigned to the following healthcare organizations:
- Kokshetau City Polyclinic
- LLP "Viamedis" Kokshetau
- LLP "Viamedis" Stepnogorsk
- LLP "Panacea"
- LLP "Railway Hospital"
- Primary Healthcare Center of Krasny Yar
- LLP "Avicenna – Burabay"
- Akkol District Hospital
- Bulandy District Hospital
- Zerendi District Hospital
- Shortandy District Hospital
- Sandyktau District Hospital
- Birzhan Sal Hospital
- Zhaksyn District Hospital
- Astrakhan District Hospital
- Ualikhanov District Hospital
- Tselinograd District Hospital
- City Polyclinic No.1 of Kosshy
- Atyrau City Polyclinic No.4
- G. Musrepov District Hospital
- Ereymentau District Hospital
- Esil District Hospital
- Burabay Pediatric Rehabilitation Center
- Stepnogorsk Multidisciplinary City Hospital
- Atbasar Multidisciplinary Interdistrict Hospital
- This is a significant step in the professional development of young specialists and a contribution to the advancement of Kazakhstan's healthcare system!