Dear teachers,

Alexander Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, being a member of the Coimbra Group of Universities, announces a call for applications for the scholarship program, which is currently open for applications until March 24.

Criteria for selection:

  1. Candidates must be born on or after January 1, 1990.
  2. Be current academic employees of the university.
  3. Be in postdoctoral or doctoral status (for some universities).
  4. Have in hand a letter of consent to participate in the program from the supervisor with whom the work will be done at the host institution.
  5. Apply to one university only.
  6. Website:

The following Coimbra Group universities are participating in the 2025 scholarship program:

  • Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi (Romania),
  • University of Barcelona (Spain),
  • University of Granada (Spain),
  • University of Graz (Austria),
  • University of Heidelberg (Denmark),
  • University of Istanbul (Turkey),
  • Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland),
  • University of Padova (Italy),
  • University of Poitiers (France),
  • University of Salamanca (Spain)
  • University of Siena (Italy),
  • University of Würzburg (Germany).

For additional information, please inquire at the International Projects Management Center (Room 704) or call 8 716 225 0579.