A group of researchers from Kokshetau University named after Sh.Ualikhanov within the framework of the grant project "Development of integratedground and remote methods of plant condition assessment for optimization ofmineral nutrition of grain crops in the black soil zone of northern Kazakhstan"(leader: Khusainova R.K., Associate Professor, Candidate of AgriculturalSciences) took part in the International Seminar on the Use of Organo-Mineralsand Bio-Drugs for Improvement of Soil Fertility and Yields on 9th August 2024.
"Lobanovo" LLP (head Kaziev Z.B.) organised the seminar. The seminarprogramme was devoted to discussing the results of practical application offertilizers of Kazakh, Russian and Chinese producers on partnership sown areas inconditions of Northern Kazakhstan.
University scientists informed about the results of experiments conductedaccording to the project plan on the sown areas of "Lobanovo" LLP and receivedfeedback from seminar participants. Furthermore, A.A. Sarsenova, the chiefresearcher of the project, the head of individual entrepreneur "SPA"Agrobiotechnovations", presented a report on the methods of using organicfertilizers. The research team of the project also held a master class on"Conducting FED leaf diagnostics for optimization of leaf fertilization of graincrops". The method has been tested in the funded project and shows high potentialfor further commercialization.
In addition, the results of long-term experience in the use of industrialwastes for soil improvement and fertilization were presented at the seminar byProfessor of Sh.Ualikhanov University, Doctor of Biology A.T. Khusainov.
For the first time representatives of agricultural enterprises from Aiyirtaudistrict of North Kazakhstan could get acquainted at once with different types ofpreparations for improving the quality of crops and increasing the profitability ofgrain crops production. At the same time, the technologies of fertilizer applicationwere obtained. The scientists, in their turn, were able to supplement the providedinformation with the substantiation of phenomena from the position of science,which once again proves the importance of communication between science andproduction.