"Following the results of the competition for grant financing of young scientists for the project ""Zhas Galym ""for 2025-2027, five projects presented to early-career researchers of our university received a grant":

  1. "Reproduction of Cotoneaster melanocarpus Fisch. ex Blytt. in culture in vitro in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan" – senior lecturer of the Department of Agriculture and bioresursourses Aishuk Edil Zhumabekovich.
  2. "Modeling of the urozhainst Yarovoy village from the conditions of the northern Kazakhstan " – senior lecturer of the Department of Agriculture and bioresursourses Aidarbekova Toyzhan Zhumagalievna.
  3. "Increasing the productivity and long – term travel of multi-storey roads and highways " - senior lecturer of the Department of Agriculture and bioresursourses Baydalina Saltanat Yesetovna.
  4. "Creation of a Bank of selected potato varieties for domestic and agricultural selection and obtaining seed material for first seed production on a non – viral basis" assistant professor of the Department of Agriculture and bioresursourses Suraganova Aizhan Maratovna.
  5. "Improvement of the cost of granulated corms with the introduction of antioxidant and antimicrobial drugs" - Research Associate at the University Akhet Akhama Onerbekovna

    We proudly congratulate our emerging scholars on their well-deserved success! Wishing them a productive journey in their projects and many groundbreaking discoveries ahead!