Congratulations to the students of the Higher School of Medicine Zhumadildaev Sundet Nakypzhanuli-omk91, Erbol Armangul- omk93, Musylman Aruzhan Baltabaykyzy-omk93, Satybaldinov Eldos Aybarovich-omk94, Tatyguzhina Aigerim Ruslanovna-omk94 on winning for participation in the competition "Shokan zhuldyzdary". We wish you to always remain brave, purposeful, who are not afraid of competition and difficulties. We wish you not to stop there! We also want to express our gratitude to the HSM students who participated in the concert program (Baibek Nurlan –omk233i, Patil Gunvant Khasherao-oma217, Ananthan Angala Parameshwari - OMA 213, Ramachandran Deshika - OMA 218, Ali Faiz –OMA215).