Silver University: trainees discover picturesque corners of Akmolaregion
Another trip of the Silver University students took place on January 27, 2025 to thefarm “Aqmaral” of the state reserve “Burabai”. The farm specializes in raising reddeer in conditions as close as possible to the wild habitat of animals.
The specialist of the farm told about the peculiarities of these animals, about howthe process of their maintenance and care takes place. The participants listenedwith interest to the facts about the behavior of red deer, their habits and theimportance of preserving this species in the wild and fed the friendly animals fromtheir hands.
In the program of the visit acquaintance with the activities of the farm, gettinginformation on the organization of recreation and treatment (pantolechenie). Theparticipants of the tour were presented Kazakhstani products made on the basis ofantlers of red deer.
Those who wished could buy medicines, ointments andinfusions.The listeners of the Silver University were invited to a Kazakh yurt for adostarkhan. They were treated to tea based on local herbs, honey with variousadditives and hot baursakam.
Walks through the forest, communication with animals and picturesque winterlandscapes of Burabai nature made the day unforgettable.
The listeners thanked the organizers of the excursion and expressed their desire toreturn here again to continue studying the richness of nature and culture of theirregion.