Aishuk Yedil Zhumabekuly

Aishuk Yedil Zhumabekuly

Senior Lecturer

E-mail: Education

Sh Ualikhanov KU

Main courses taught


Scientific direction

Лесное хозяйство

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

- 2012 - present, Environmental Center Eco-Kokshe, founder, leading specialist;

- 2020 - present, - Ministry of Ecology andNatural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan,eco-ambassador;

- 2020 - present - Republican newspaper"Ecological Bulletin," editor-in-chief;

- 2020, 2023 - Candidate for deputy of theAkmola regional maslikhat.

- 2020 - to present permanent member of thepublic environmental council of the Akmolaregion under the Amanat party;

- 2020 - to present Permanent member of theexpert commission at the Department of Ecologyof Akmola region.


He took part in the implementation of 7 projects, including:

- 19.08.2015 - 31.12.2015 grant of the Department of Agriculture of Akmola region under Regional State Program 019 "Services for the introduction of innovative experience" for the project: "Fertilizing crops with production waste on chernozem soils of Akmola region," leading specialist;

- 2015 - 15.07.2016 13.08 grant of the National Agency for Technological Development JSC Ministry of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the project: "Use of phosphogypsum and ash and slag for fertilization and reclamation of chernozem soils of Northern Kazakhstan in grain-steam crop rotation" for the commercialization of technology at the concept justification stage, leading specialist;

- 27.04.2017- 30.11.2017 project commissioned by the Department of Internal Policy of the Akmola region: "The role of specially protected areas of the Akmola region in the preservation of ecosystems and the development of ecotourism," leading specialist;

- 01.11.2017- 31.12.2017. Project of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "Opportunities of the state to stimulate the growth of competitiveness of Kazakhstani products, taking into account the restrictions imposed by membership in the WTO and the EAEU, with recommendations to increase the level of productivity of production factors in certain sectors of the economy (agro-industrial complex, food industry, light industry)";

- September 2018 - January 2019 "Comprehensive assessment of the current ecological state of forests, biodiversity, economic value of terrestrial ecosystems and analysis of the state and mapping of the soil cover of the Burabay State Scientific Research Institute, senior researcher;

- 19.03.2018 - 31.12.2020 project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan: "Ecological and agrochemical assessment of the use of preparations from ash and slag and nanocarbon for fertilizing chernozem soils for agricultural crops";

- 2019 - present, the project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the World Bank "Program for the development of the youth corps" Zhas project, "mentor-coach.

- 2022-2023. Educational project STEAM-education of schoolchildren in the natural science direction.


- Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Aimagambetov for high-quality knowledge and education of young people, 2019;

- letter of thanks and certificate of the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources M.M. Mirzagaliyev, for his contribution, development and solution of environmental issues;

- Certificate of Honor of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Aimagambetov for his contribution to the higher education system, 2021;

Number of works


Main scientific publications

  1. Оценка ботанико-географического произростания и размножения некоторых древесных растений / Материалы 86-я научно-технической конференции профессорско преподавательского состава, научных сотрудников и аспирантов, 31-12 февраля 2022г.- Минск: БГТУ, 2022. – С. 250-253
  2. Биологические и декоративные свойства кизильника черноплодного (Cotoneaster melanocarpus Fisch. ex.) Blytt.) в озеленении на примере г. Астана / Материалы международной научно-практической конференции: «Лесное хозяйство: актуальные проблемы и пути их решения», посвященной 70-летию Владимира Петровича Бессчетнова 25.11.2022 г. Нижний Новгород, РФ;
  3. Хозяйственные свойства кизильника (Cotoneaster melanocarpus как медоносного растения Fisch. ex. Blytt.) как
  4. Материалы международной научно-практической конференции: Сейфуллинские чтения – 18, (2) 10.02.2022. Астана: КазАТУ, 2022. – С. 117-119
  5. Агротехника выращивания и фитопатологическое обследование кизильника черноплодного (Cotoneaster melanocarpus Fisch. ex. Blytt.) в Акмолинской области, / / Международная научно-практическая конференция: Сейфуллинские чтения – 19, посвященная 110-летию М.А. Гендельмана . Астана: КазАТУ, 2023. – С. 184-189