Sagalbekov Ualikhan Malgazdarovich

Sagalbekov Ualikhan Malgazdarovich


E-mail: Education

Graduated with honors from the Omsk Agricultural Institute (1976), specialty “scientific agronomist”,

Postgraduate studies at SibNIISKH (Omsk) and VNIR named after N.I. Vavilova (St. Petersburg, 1980).

Main courses taught

Plant growing, selection and seed production of agricultural crops.

Academic degree

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor. Academician of the International Academy of Science and Practice of Production Organization (Russia, 2008), Member of the Expert Council of the Control Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Scientific direction

The main direction of scientific activity: crop production, selection and seed production of agricultural crops.

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

In 1975 he graduated from OMSAU. Defended his PhD thesis in Leningrad. In 1996 in Almaty he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “The gene pool of sweet clover culture and its use in breeding.” Since 1994 works at KSU named after. Sh. Ualikhanov. Author of 16 varieties of perennial legumes and cereal grasses. Presidential Prize Laureate 2005 Awarded the medal “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Currently, he is the author of 3 innovative programs that have won grants. Sagalbekov U.M. managed to organize his own scientific school. He has published more than 350 scientific papers, including 35 monographs, textbooks, recommendations, 21 copyright certificates for varieties and inventions.


Awarded the medal “Eren Enbegi Ushin” (2005), the honorary badge of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2006), twice became the laureate of the state scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2005-2008) . 2012 – Anniversary medal of the 50th anniversary of KSU named after. Sh. Ualikhanov

Number of works

He has published more than 350 scientific papers, including 35 monographs, textbooks, recommendations, 21 copyright certificates for varieties and inventions.

Main scientific publications

1.Донник – универсальная культура / У.М. Сагалбеков. – Алматы: Бастау, 1995г. – 131 с.

2.Обработка почвы в Северном Казахстане: Учебное пособие / У.М. Сагалбеков, А.Т. Лузько. – Кокшетау, 1999г. – 59 с.

3.Селекция многолетних трав в Северном Казахстане: Учебное пособие / У.М. Сагалбеков. – Кокшетау, 1999г. – 168 с.,

4.Донник – перспективная культура для Уральского региона / У.М. Сагалбеков, К.К. Сатубалдин, Л.А. Салангинас. – Екатеринбург, 2000г. – 94 с.

5.Физические и физико-механические свойства почвы и методы их определения: Учебное пособие / У.М. Сагалбеков, Н.А. Соснин, В.А. Винокуров. – Кокшетау, 2000г. – 93 с.

6.Плантажная вспашка под с/х культуры/ У.М. Сагалбеков и др. – Кокшетау, 2003г. - 27 с.

7.Определение продуктивности природных кормовых угодий на севере Казахстана / У.М. Сагалбеков и др. – Кокшетау, 2006г. - 53 с.

8.Путеводитель для интеллектуала / У.М. Сагалбеков, О.С. Троицкий, А.А. Какабаев. – Кокшетау, 2007г. - 154 с.