Shegenov Serikpai  Taishebayevich

Shegenov Serikpai Taishebayevich

Head of department

E-mail: Education
  • Kokchetau branch of the Agricultural Academy (higher education, zooengineer, 1987).
  • AT the Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov (Bachelor of Agriculture in Forestry and Forestry).
Main courses taught

Dairy business. The technology of processing meat and meat products. Woodworking.

Scientific direction

Animal Husbandry, forest resources and Forestry


He was repeatedly encouraged by diplomas, including letters of thanks from the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2019 and the Rector of the University in 2018, honorary diplomas and valuable gifts.

Number of works


Brief annotation of scientific and social activities

Increasing animal productivity, developing and implementing effective feed programs, methods for improving reproduction and quality of livestock products.

Public work includes interaction with livestock farming organizations of various forms of ownership


1.2017-2019 – Head of the event "Development of energy-resource-saving technologies for the

cultivation of annual andperennial forage crops, ensuring an uninterrupted supplyof high-quality raw materials and

contributing to the restoration and reproduction of

soil fertility."

2.2022-2025.Member of the research group Development of effective technologies for increasing productive potential and rational use of pastures in the steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan.

Main scientific publications

Factory lines of cattle of the Kazakh white-headed breed of the komol type in the north of Kazakhstan. Monograph of 2015.


Monograph 2024.