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Bachelor's degree – Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" (2014-2018)Master's degree – Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau University, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" (2018-2020)

Main courses taught

Practical phonetics and listening, basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication, basicforeign language, features of the translation of special texts, the practice of informative translation.

Academic degree

Master of Pedagogical Sciences

Scientific area

Methods of teaching English, English language practice.

Main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2017-2022 (the URL of the web page on the original website of the journal, where the publication is located on the Internet, or its Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should be provided).

Principles for the selection of educational texts for students in foreign language groups //Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Shoqan oqulary-23”. Kokshetau, 2019. -3rd volume. –P. 222-227

Technology of teaching students to understand professionally oriented foreign language texts // Republican round table materials “Topical issues of foreign language education” in the framework of SPAL “Modernization of foreign language education, its modern theoretical and integrative fundamentals and the methodology of its interactive competency-based modeling”. Almaty, 2020. –P. 90-100

Developing special linguistic and comprehension exercises in teaching foreign language to students specializing in “Economics” // Materials of the international practical scienceconference "Shoqan oqulary-24”, dedicated to the 185th anniversary of Shokan Ualikhanov. Kokshetau, 2020. -3rdvolume. –P. 215-219

Шет тілінде ауызекі сөйлеуді оқытуда көрнекілік материалдарын пайдалану // Materials of the international philological journal “Language. Culture. Consciousness. Aspects affecting the formation of the worldview of the younger generation”. Kokshetau, 2022. – P.168-175

Reading fiction as a means of teaching vocabulary (on the example of the tale of L. Frank Baum"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz") // The 16th international scientific-practical journal “Global science and innovations 2022: Central Asia”. Nur-Sultan, 2022.