Associate professor, professor

E-mail: Education

In 1990, graduated with honors from Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau Pedagogical Institute, majoring in "German and English languages," qualification "Teacher of German and English languages."

In 2010, graduated with honors from Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, completing the full course of Master's studies, qualification in "Foreign Language: two foreign languages."

In 2015, completed doctoral studies at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, specializing in 6D020500 - "Philology."

Main courses taught

  • Introduction to Linguistics and Germanic Philology
  • Implementation of Inclusive Education in Foreign Language Teaching
  • Levels and Content of Foreign Language Education in Kazakhstan and Abroad
  • -
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Academic Degree:


Research Areas

Functional grammar, cognitive linguistics, pragmalinguistics, contrastive linguistics, language typology, foreign language teaching methodology, inclusive education, comparative grammar of German, Kazakh, and Russian languages.

Short abstract of scientific and public activity

  • Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal “Bulletin of Sh. Ualikhanov KU”. Philological Series.
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the public association "Interbühne Lübeck", Lübeck, Germany.

Number of works

3 monographs, 8 textbooks

Over 80 publications in the fields of functional grammar, cognitive linguistics, pragmalinguistics, contrastive linguistics, including 11 articles in international scientific journals with impact factors according to Thomson Reuters (ISI Web of Knowledge, Thomson Reuters) and indexed in the Scopus database.

40 articles in publications recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Implementation of scientific projects with grant, program-targeted financing, on a business contract basis over the last 5 years (name of the project, IRN, years of implementation).

участник 3 научных проектов, получивших грантовое финансирование МОН РК (2012-2015гг.):

  1. Разработка принципов формирования казахстанской идентичности как фактора реализации национальной и языковой политики Республики Казахстан.
  2. Языковой менеджмент как эффективная форма языковой политики и языкового планирования мультилингвального мегаполиса. 055 Научная и научно-техническая деятельность. Грантовое финансирование научных исследований 2012-2014. Подпрограмма 101 по приоритету «Интеллектуальный потенциал страны» с 05.01.2014г. по 31.12.2014г. (договор № 139 от 04.02.2014) приказ №558-п от 21.04.2014г.
  3. Разработка принципов научно-обоснованной номинативной политики г.Астаны в контексте формирования казахстанского ономастического пространства по бюджетной программе 055. Научная и научно-техническая деятельность. Подпрограмма 101. Грантовая деятельность финансирования научных исследований на 2012-2017 г. по приоритету «Интеллектуальный потенциал страны» с 01.02.2015 по 31.12.2015г. (договор № 65 от 12 февраля 2015 – приказ №272-п от 13.03.2015г.), выполненные в Евразийском национальном университете им. Л.Н.Гумилева. Научный руководитель проф., д.ф.н. Жаркынбекова Ш.К.
  4. Руководитель научного проекта «Формирование культурных ценностей и гражданской идентичности в поликультурном пространстве Казахстана в эпоху глобализации» на грантовое финансирование молодых ученых по научным и (или) научно-техническим проектам (МОН РК) (2024-2026гг.).

Main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2019-2024 (the URL of the web page on the original website of the journal, where the publication is located on the Internet, or its Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should be provided).


  1. Dalbergenova, L. (2016): Kognitivnyj mekhanizm interpretacii kauzal'nyh situacij v v raznostrukturnyh yazykah. Kokshetau. Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Uni-versitet im. Sh. Ualihanova. 165 str.
  2. «Causal situations in a cognitive-discoursive aspect». Kokshetau. Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Uni-versitet im. Sh. Ualihanova., 2018. – 106 str.
  3. «Causal situations in a cognitive-discoursive aspect». Kokshetau. Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Uni-versitet im. Sh. Ualihanova., 2021. – 106 str.


  1. Меirmanova К., Dalbergenova, L.*, Кalijeva (2020): Grundlagen der Theorie der deutschen Sprache. Kokshetau. Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. Sh. Ualihanova, 477 str.
  2. Dalbergenova, L.*, Меirmanova К. (2019): Praktikum funkzionalnyh stilej. Kokshetau. Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Uni¬versitet im. Sh. Ualihanova. 137 str.
  3. Меirmanova К., Dalbergenova, L.*, Baimanova L., Duissenbina A. (2018): Оsnovy yazykoznaniya. Kokshetau Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. Sh. Ualihanova. 230 str.
  4. Dalbergenova, L.*, Меirmanova К. (2017): Sbornik uprazhnenij po prakticheskoj grammatike vtorogo inostrannogo yazyka (В1, В2). Kokshetau: Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. Sh. Ualihanova. 173str.
  5. Dalbergenova, L. (2017): Govorenie i pis'mo na zanyatiyah vtorogo inostrannogo yazyka (В1, В2): metody scenicheskoj interpretacii hudozhestvennyh tekstov. Kokshetau. Kokshetau. Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. Sh. Ualihanova. 83 str.
  6. Dalbergenova, L., Amrenova R. (2017): Kasakh, orys shane nemis tilderining salystyrmaly grammatikasy. Kokshetau. Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. Sh. Ualihanova. 260 str.
  7. Dalbergenova, L. (2016): Prakticheskaya grammatika vtorogo inostrannogo yasyka. (В1, В2). Kokshetau. Kokshetauskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. Sh. Ualihanova. 130 str.

Articles cited in international scientific journals with impact factors according to Thomson Reuters (ISI Web of Knowledge, Thomson Reuters) and indexed in the Scopus database.

  1. Dalbergenova, L.*, Zharkynbekova Sch. «Die Evidentialität аls argumentative Funktion am Beispiel des Deutschen, Russischen und Kasachischen» // Zeitschrift für Slawistik 2020; 65(1): 134–144 ISSN 2196-7016, ISSN 0044-3506, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/slaw-2020-0006.© 2020 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston. https://doi.org/10.1515/slaw-2020-0006 co-author: Zharkynbekova Sch..)
  2. Dalbergenova, L.*, Zharkynbekova Sch. Die Framemodellierung volitiver kausaler Zusammenhänge am Beispiel der russischen Sprache// Studia Slavica Hung. 62/1 2017. – 35–46. DOI: 10.1556/060.2017.62.1.3 (co-author: Zharkynbekova Sch..)
  3. Akhmetova A.*, Dalbergenova L., Menlibekova G., Duisenbina A., Tleuberdina G. Method to overcome psychological barriers in students learning the German language// Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana, Volume 25, Issue Extra 7, 2020. – 121-129 (co-authors:.) http://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/utopia/article/view/33677
  4. Dalbergenova, L.*, G.Tleuberdina, R.Amrenova, A. Zhakupova, A.Duisenbina Epistemic Causal Relations in German and Kazakh discursive Texts// ASTRA Salvensis, no. 1/2021. – 41-58 http://astrasalvensis.com/2021-2/ (co-authors:).
  5. Dalbergenova, L.*, Zharkynbekova Sch., Zhuravlyeva E. (2014a): The Subject Perspective of Causal Relations (in the Cases of Russian and German). In: Studia Slavica Hung. 59/2. (Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó), 291-306.
  6. Dalbergenova, L.*, Zharkynbekova Sch. (2014b): Illocutionary functions of causality. In: Proseedings of INTCESS 14 – International Conference on Education and Social Sciences. (Istanbul: Ocerint), 1743 -1749.
  7. Dalbergenova, L*., Zharkynbekova Sch., Akynova D., Aimoldina A. (2014c): Cognitive approach to the study of causal relations. In: Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 143. (Lefkoşa: Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.), 233-237.
  8. Аimoldina А.*, Zharkynbekova Sch., Akynova D., Dalbergenova L. (2014d) Kazakhstani and English sales promotional letters: strategies for effective cross-cultural communication. In: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 143. (Lefkoşa: Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.), 212-216.
  9. Akynova D.*, Zharkynbekova Sch., Аimoldina А., Dalbergenova L. Language Choice among the Youth of Kazakhstan: English as a Self-Representation of Prestige. In: Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 143. (Lefkoşa: Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.), 228-232.
  10. Dalbergenova, L.*, Zharkynbekova Sch., Beisembajeva G. (2015b): Cognitive State of the Subject in Causal Relations (in the case of German). In: Engineering Technology, Engineering Education and Engineering Management. (London: Taylor&Francis Group), 659-662.
  11. Beisembajeva G.*, Zharkynbekova Sch., Dalbergenova, L. (2015c): Historical aspect of the formation and development of German–Russian terminology of electrical engineering. In: Engineering Technology, Engineering Education and Engineering Management. (London: Taylor&Francis Group), 645-648.

Hirsch index (Scopus, WoS)

Hirsch index equal to 2, cited in the international Scopus database.

Hirsch index equal to 1, cited in the international Web of Science database

Scopus Author ID


Web of Science



