Boken Tursyngul Sailaubaykyzy

Boken Tursyngul Sailaubaykyzy


E-mail: Education

2011-2013 - Master of Natural Sciences in the specialty 6M060700-Biology;

Main courses taught

Genetics, cytology and histology, molecular biology.

Scientific direction

"Phytoplankton of Lake Kopa as an indicator of water quality"

The main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2019-2024.

  1. EMCD "Human anatomy» (co-author Жумабаева С.Е.) Kokshetau, 2017
  2. EMCD "Cytology and histology" ( co-author Жумабаева С.Е. ) Kokshetau, 2017.
  3. ЕEMCD «Жалпы және молекулалық генетика» (co - authors Хамитова Г.Ж.,Шакиржанова И.С.) Kokshetau, 2020.