Head of the Department
Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after Shakarim, majoringin Biology and Chemistry with honors. 1989-1994;
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, full-time postgraduate study inbotany; 1997-2000.
Botany, methods of teaching biology, methods of teaching biology in ahigher educational institution, ecological anatomy of plants
Candidate of Biological Sciences
Botany, Plant ecology, Structural botany
He has more than 150 scientific papers, including 8 monographs, 1patent, 2 author's certificates, 3 articles in journals included in theScopus database. 1 textbook (recommended by the Ministry ofEducation and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 13 textbooks(7 of them recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan).Head of thesis , master's dissertation, Research work of students
Winner of the title "Best University Teacher of 2012" of theMinistry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;Winner of the state scholarship for young and talented scientists ofKazakhstan (2004-2006);A letter of thanks of the Ministry of Education and Science of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, 2018;A letter of thanks of the Minister of Education and Science (2018);A letter of thanks of the Vice-Minister of Education and Science(2020);Medal "For contribution to the development of UalikhanovUniversity II–degree" (2021);Honorary badge "For a special contribution to the development ofeducation and science of the University "50th anniversary of KSUnamed after Sh. Ualikhanov" (2012);Honorary lecturer of KSU named after Sh .Ualikhanov. A letter ofthanks of the Director of the Ministry of Education and Science of theRepublic of Kazakhstan (2019, 2020);Honorary diplomas of the rector of the university, letters of thanks,etc.
The main scientificpublications for thelast 5 years 2019-2024.