Durmekbayeva Shynar Nurlybekovna

Durmekbayeva Shynar Nurlybekovna

Head of the Department

E-mail: Education

Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after Shakarim, majoringin Biology and Chemistry with honors. 1989-1994;

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, full-time postgraduate study inbotany; 1997-2000.

Main courses taught

Botany, methods of teaching biology, methods of teaching biology in ahigher educational institution, ecological anatomy of plants

Academic degree

Candidate of Biological Sciences

Scientific direction

Botany, Plant ecology, Structural botany

A brief summary ofscientific and socialactivities

He has more than 150 scientific papers, including 8 monographs, 1patent, 2 author's certificates, 3 articles in journals included in theScopus database. 1 textbook (recommended by the Ministry ofEducation and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), 13 textbooks(7 of them recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan).Head of thesis , master's dissertation, Research work of students

Implementation ofscientific projects ofgrant, program-targeted financing, ona contractual basis forthe last 5 years

  1. Republican project "Comprehensive assessment of the currentecological state of forests, biodiversity, economic value of terrestrialecosystems and analysis of the state and mapping of the soil cover ofthe SNNP "Burabai. The customer is the Office of the President of theSNNP "Burabay". Head of subproject No. 1: Conductingcomprehensive background studies of the territory of the StateNational Natural Park "Burabai".
  2. Republican grant financing project "Creation of a network of KAZCUNET children's universities" (contract no. 224/36-21-23 fromApril 15, 2021) – performer (2021-2023);
  3. International project of the World Bank "Strengthening thepotential of pedagogical education" (2021-2023)


Winner of the title "Best University Teacher of 2012" of theMinistry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;Winner of the state scholarship for young and talented scientists ofKazakhstan (2004-2006);A letter of thanks of the Ministry of Education and Science of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, 2018;A letter of thanks of the Minister of Education and Science (2018);A letter of thanks of the Vice-Minister of Education and Science(2020);Medal "For contribution to the development of UalikhanovUniversity II–degree" (2021);Honorary badge "For a special contribution to the development ofeducation and science of the University "50th anniversary of KSUnamed after Sh. Ualikhanov" (2012);Honorary lecturer of KSU named after Sh .Ualikhanov. A letter ofthanks of the Director of the Ministry of Education and Science of theRepublic of Kazakhstan (2019, 2020);Honorary diplomas of the rector of the university, letters of thanks,etc.

The main scientificpublications for thelast 5 years 2019-2024.

  1. Abilzhan T. Khussainov, Kyzzhibek M. Shulembayeva, Shynar N. Durmekbayeva, Idiya B. Fakhrudenova, Razya K. Khussainova, Anuarbek A. Kakabayev. The Vascular Plant Flora Burabay National Park, Kazakhstan: Composition, Life Form Classification and Ecological Groups Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences. Volume 94, pages 553–561, (2024), https://doi.org/10.1007/s40011-024-01550-2 Percentile 67
  2. Kyzdarbekova G., Khussainov, A., Yessenzholov, B., Memeshov, S., Durmekbayeva, Sh., Ayapbergenova, A., Dankina, G. Effectiveness of the Use of Ash and Slag Fertilizer on Ordinary Chernozem for Linum usitatissimum Crops // OnLine Journal of Biological Sciences, 2023.  23(3).  P 276-285. DOI: 10.3844/ojbsci.2023.276.285. Percentile 55.
  3. Anuarbek A. Kakabayev, Botagoz U. Sharipova 1, Natalia V. Baranovskaya, Javier Rodrigo-Ilarri ,....Shynar Durmekbayeva, Gaziza B. Toychibekova, Rakhat Kurmanbayev, Aigul Zhumabayeva. Impact of Environmental Conditions on Soil Geochemistry in Southern Kazakhstan. Sustainability 2024, 16, 6361. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16156361. Percentile 83.
  4. Durmekbayeva Sh.N., G.T. Kizdarbekova, A.B. Alibek , G.Zh. Khamitova, I.S. Shakirzhanova. Synopsis of the flora of the branch of the SNNP “Kokshetau” “Ormandi Bulak” Vestnik KazNU. Ecological series No.2 (79). 2024. - P.81 - 89 https://doi.org/10.26577/EJE.2024.v79.i2-07
  5. Fakhrudenova I.B., Durmekbayeva Sh. N., Makhanova S. K. Memeshov S. K. Bioindication assessment of the state of the environment by the magnitude of fluctuating asymmetry Betula pendula // Bulletin of the Shakarim State University of Semey, 2020. - No. 1(89). - pp. 173-175. URL:https://shakarim.edu.kz/upload/science-journals/document_1643274607.pdf
  6. Khusainov A.T., Memeshov S.K., Durmekbayeva Sh.N., Makhanova S. K., Fakhrudenova I. B., Kurmanbaeva A.S., Khusainova R.K. Sovremennoye ekologicheskoye sostoyaniye Gosudarstvennogo natsional'nogo prirodnogo parka «Burabay», mery po yego uluchsheniyu [The current ecological state of the State National Natural Park "Burabay", measures to improve it]. Kokshetau: Mir pechaty, 2019. – 340 p. ISBN 978-601-7582-82-1 (monograph) https://research.shokan.edu.kz/publications/monograph/19
  7. Khusainov A.T., Memeshov S.K., Durmekbayeva Sh.N., Makhanova S. K., Fakhrudenova I. B., Kurmanbaeva A.S., Khusainova R.K. “Burabay” memlekettіk ulttyk tabigi parkіnіn kazіrgі ekologiyalyk axualy, ony zhaksartu zhonіndegі sharalar.[ The current ecological state of the State National Natural Park "Burabay", measures to improve it.]. Kokshetau: Mir pechaty, 2019. – 340 p. ISBN 978-601-7582-81-4 (monograph) https://research.shokan.edu.kz/publications/monograph/20
  8. Memeshov S. K., Khusainov A. T., Sattybayeva Z. D., Durmekbayeva Sh. N., Serikov S. I. “Burabay” memlekettіk ulttyq tabıǵı parkіnіń topyraqtary. [Soils of the State National Nature Park“Burabay”]. - Kokshetau: Mir pechaty, 2019. - 192 p. ISBN 978-601-7618-01-8 (monograph) https://research.shokan.edu.kz/publications/monograph/21
  9. 9. Memeshov S. K., Khusainov A. T., Sattybayeva Z. D., Durmekbayeva Sh. N., Serikov S. I. Pochvy Gosudarstvennogo natsional'nogo prirodnogo parka «Burabay». [Soils of the State National Nature Park“Burabay”]. - Kokshetau: Mir pechaty, 2019. - 192 p. ISBN 978-601-7618-00-1 (monograph). https://research.shokan.edu.kz/publications/monograph/22
  10. Memeshov S.K., Khussainov A.T., Sattibayeva Z.D., Durmekbayeva S.N., Shulembayeva K.M. Soil of the State National Nature Park "Burabay". ‒ Kokshetau, 2022. ‒ 208 p. ISBN 978-601-7618-92- 6 (monograph). https://research.shokan.edu.kz/publications/monograph/212
  11. Khusainov A. T., Memeshov S. K., Durmekbayeva Sh. N., Makhanova S. K., Fakhrudenova I. B., Kurmanbaeva A. S., Khusainova R. K.. «Burabay» Memlekettіk ulttyq tabıǵı parkіnіń ekologııalyq ahýaly, ony jaqsartý jónіndegі sharalar. [The current ecological state of the State National Natural Park "Burabay", measures to improve it]. Copyright certificate, No. 6751 dated 29.11.2019 (Author's certificate) https://research.shokan.edu.kz/publications/security-docs/398
  12. Khusainov A. T., Memeshov S. K., Durmekbayeva Sh . N., Makhanova S. K., Fakhrudenova I. B., Kurmanbaeva A. S., Khusainova R. K. Sovremennoye ekologicheskoye sostoyaniye Gosudarstvennogo natsional'nogo prirodnogo parka «Burabay», mery po yego uluchsheniyu. [The current ecological state of the State National Natural Park "Burabay", measures to improve it]. Copyright certificate, No. 6752 dated 29.11.2019 (Author's certificate). https://research.shokan.edu.kz/publications/security-docs/399
  13. Durmekbayeva Sh., Kuandykova L. A. Aqmola oblysy aimağyndağy Fabaceae Lindl. tūqymdasy ösımdıkterınıŋ morfologiyalyq sipattamasy (elektrondy oqu qūraly) [Morphological characteristics of plants of the Fabaceae Lindl family in the Akmola region. (electronic training manual)]. Copyright certificate, No. 47043 dated 05.06.2024. 2019 (Author's certificate). https://research.shokan.edu.kz/publications/security-docs/234