Kazhibayeva Aiganym

Kazhibayeva Aiganym


E-mail: Education

2014-2017 - Biology teacher, Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov;

2017-2019 - Master of Natural Sciences, Specialty 6M060700-Biology, Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualikhanov.

Main courses taught

Human and Animal Physiology, Plant Physiology, Human Anatomy, Zoology аnd Biology teaching methodology.

Scientific direction

Anatomy and Physiology Pedagogy

International Experience

  • Conducted internship ‘Pedagogical Innovations forUniversity Instructors’ at Michigan State University as aVisiting scholar. May 2022 - March2023.
  • Ualikhanov University, Kazakhstan Representative in -STEP Partners Meeting & Professional DevelopmentDesign Workshop. July 2023 Bangkok/Thailand
  • • Ualikhanov University, Kazakhstan Representative in - the 4th Integrated STEM Leadership Summit in Asia: Navigating the AI Revolution: Equipping Asia's Workforce and Learners for the Future STEP Partners Meeting & Professional Development Design Workshop June 2024 Bangkok/ Thailand
  • • Speaker at the SEA-TEP Partners Meeting and Professional Development Workshop, Southeast Asia Teacher Education Program (SEA-TEP). November 2024 Penang, Malaysia

Scholarships & Awards

  • Became the recipient of the International BolashakScholarship of the President of the Republic Of Kazakhstanamong 2,500 applicants. December 2022
  • The Letter of Gratitude from the akim of the Akmola regionYermek Marzhikpayev for the contribution to education andscience in the region, and for the upbringing of the youngergeneration. April 2023
  • • Gratitude from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan April 2024recognized for dedicated work and honest service in advancing education and science in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Number of works

9 works (articles-9)

The main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2019-2024:

  1. 1. Onerkhan G., Kazhibayeva A.Y. - Үлкен шабақты көліне жүргізілген альгологиялық зерттеулер. Materials of the International Scientific-Practical conference "Shokan readings-23". Kokshetau-2019. - 4 volumes. - pp. 368-372.
  2. 2. Onerkhan G., Kazhibayeva A.Y. - Үлкен шабақты көлі альгофлорасының түрлік құрамы. Master's thesis, June 20193. Shakirzhanova I.S., Kazhibayeva A.Y. - Биология
  3. 3. Shakirzhanova I.S., Kazhibayeva A.Y. - Биология сaбaқтaрындa сандық білім беру ресурсының тиімділігі. Collection of materials of the remote Republican conference of undergraduates and young students "Actual problems of our time". Nur-Sultan, May 2020. (certificate)
  4. 4. Maymakova D.B. Kazhibayeva A.Y. - Судың гидрохимиялық құрамын анықтау - International scientific conference CONDUCT OF MODERN SCIENCE 2020, Sheffield, November 2020 (certificate).
  5. 5. Maymakova D.B., Sharipov B. О., Kazhibayeva A.Y. - Қазақстан жерін биологиялық қауіптен қорғау. International Scientific Conference WYKSZTALCENIE I NAUKA BEZ GRANIC, Przemysl, Poland, December 2020 (сertificate).
  6. 6. Shakirzhanova I.S., Maymakova D.B., Kazhibayeva A.Y. - Қашықтықтан оқытудың білім беру жүйесіндегі рөлі - International scientific-practical conference THE LATEST ACHIEVEMENTS OF EUROPEAN SCIENCE - 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2021.
  7. 7. Kazhibayeva A.Y. - Implementing IMAGEJ software for measuring microscopic units of natural objects in laboratory class - MATERIALS of the III Republican Pedagogical Conference (Forum) with international participation "Science and education – the intellectual potential of the nation”, - Kokshetau, Kazakhstan, April, 2024 (Certificate).