Safronova Natalya Michalovna

Safronova Natalya Michalovna

Associate professor

E-mail: Education

1985-1991 Lomonosov Moscow StateUniversity, Faculty of Biology. Specialty:"Physiology".

1991-1994 full-time postgraduate study of theAll-Russian Institute of Fertilizers and Agro-Soil Science named after D.N.Pryanishnikov

Main courses taught

Botany, Evolutionary stady, Plantbiotechnology

Academic degree

Candidate of biological sciences

Scientific direction

Plant biology and ecology

Brief summary of scientific and socialactivities

Safronova N.M. conducts classes in Russianand English in biological specialties ofbachelor's and master's degrees. Activelyparticipates in the preparation of diploma andmaster's theses. Under her scientificsupervision, 5 master's theses have beenprepared over the past 5 years. Safronova N.M.develops methodological materials.Participated in the working group of the projecton the development of partnership betweenuniversities of the USA and Kazakhstan,sponsored by the US Diplomatic Mission inKazakhstan, “UNO-KSUpartnership buildingthrough enhancement of English and stemteaching" in cooperation with the University ofOmaha State. Participated in the work of thecourses organized by the AE MOE

Number of works


The main scientific publications for the last 5years 2017-2022:

  1. Bayazitova, Z., Rodrigo-Ilarri, J.,Rodrigo-Clavero, M., Kurmanbayeva, A.,Safronova, N., et al. Relevance ofEnvironmental Surveys on the Design of aNew Municipal Waste Management System onthe City of Kokshetau (Kazakhstan)//Sustainability, 2022
  2. Safronova N.M., Babenko O.N. Shifts in thephenology of flowering of some wild plantspecies in the vicinity of the city ofKokshetau//Bulletin of the L.N.Gumilev ENU.Biological sciences. 2019, №2 (127). – 90-99S.
  3. Grabovskaya N.I., Babenko О.N, SafronovaN.M., Khusainova R.K. Features of the use ofsuccinic acid as a biostimulator andadaptogen//Modern science: Actual problemsof theory and practice. Series.Natural andtechnical sciences. – 2020, №1. – 28-32Babenko O.N., Safronova N.M. The combinedeffect of cadmium and epibrassinolide ongermination and growth indicators of seeds oftwo types of wormwood//Bulletin ofM.Kozybaev Moscow State University, 2020. -issue No. 3 (48), p.16-26