Assistant Professor
1985-1991 Lomonosov Moscow StateUniversity, Faculty of Biology. Specialty:"Physiology".
1991-1994 full-time postgraduate study of theAll-Russian Institute of Fertilizers and Agro-Soil Science named after D.N.Pryanishnikov
Botany, Evolutionary stady, Plantbiotechnology
Candidate of biological sciences
Plant biology and ecology
Safronova N.M. conducts classes in Russianand English in biological specialties ofbachelor's and master's degrees. Activelyparticipates in the preparation of diploma andmaster's theses. Under her scientificsupervision, 5 master's theses have beenprepared over the past 5 years. Safronova N.M.develops methodological materials.Participated in the working group of the projecton the development of partnership betweenuniversities of the USA and Kazakhstan,sponsored by the US Diplomatic Mission inKazakhstan, “UNO-KSUpartnership buildingthrough enhancement of English and stemteaching" in cooperation with the University ofOmaha State. Participated in the work of thecourses organized by the AE MOE
The main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2019-2024:
Сафронова Н.М., Бабенко О.Н. Сдвиги в фенологии цветения некоторых дикорастущих видов растений в окрестностях города Кокшетау//Вестник ЕНУ им.Л.Н.Гумилева. Биологические науки. 2019, №2 (127). – 90-99 с.
Грабовская Н.И., Бабенко О.Н, Сафронова Н.М., Хусаинова Р.К. Особенности применения янтарной кислоты в качестве биостимулятора и адаптогена//Современная наука: Актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия.Естественные и технические науки. – 2020, №1. – 28-32
Бабенко О.Н., Сафронова Н.М. Совместное действие кадмия и эпибрассинолида на всхожесть и ростовые показатели семян двух видов полыней//Вестник СКУ им.М.Козыбаева, 2020.- вып №3 (48), с.16-
Bayazitova, Z., Rodrigo-Ilarri, J.,
Rodrigo-Clavero, M., Kurmanbayeva, A.,
Safronova, N., et al. Relevance of Environmental Surveys on the Design of a New Municipal Waste Management System on the City of Kokshetau (Kazakhstan)// Sustainability, 2022 DOI:10.3390/su142114368