Shakirzhanova Inzira Serikovna

Shakirzhanova Inzira Serikovna


E-mail: Education

Higher education, KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov

Main courses taught

Human anatomyHuman and animal physiologyPhysiology of the development of schoolchildren

Scientific direction

Features of growing decorative flowers at home

Number of works


The main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2017-2023:

Список УМКД и ЭУМКД:

  1. Shakirzhanova I.S. "Professional Kazakh language". Educational and methodical complex. Kokshetau. 2017. –104c.methodical complex. Kokshetau. 2021.
  2. Shakirzhanova I.S., Maimakova D.B. "Zoology of invertebrates". Electronic educational and methodical complex. Kokshetau. 2017.
  3. Shakirzhanova I.S. "Zoology of vertebrates". Electronic educational and methodical complex. Kokshetau 2017.
  4. Shakirzhanova I.S. "Fundamentals of anatomy and sports morphology". Electronic educational and methodical complex. Kokshetau. 2018.
  5. Shakirzhanova I.S., Maimakova D.B., Valiakhmetova E.K. "Physiology of schoolchildren's development". Educational and methodical complex. - Kokshetau, 2018. – 165c.
  6. Shakirzhanova I.S., Khamitova G.Zh., Boken T.S. "General and molecular genetics" Electronic educational and methodological complex. Kokshetau. 2020.
  7. Shakirzhanova I.S. "Introduction to biology". Electronic educational and methodical complex. Kokshetau. 2021.

List of articles:

  1. Shakirzhanova I.S.,Tungysh A. "Biological features of some indoor plants of the Euphorbiaceae family" "IX student Science Week"" Materials of the scientific and practical conference. Section "Biology". Vol.1. - Kokshetau. 2017.
  2. Shakirzhanova I.S., Durmekbaeva Sh.N., Kapsalam A.E. The use of elements of innovative technologies in teaching the chapter "Development of the organic world on earth" (Biology, 11th grade)" // Materials of the International scientific and practical Conference"Ualikhanov readings-21". - Kokshetau. 2017. - pp. 418-421.
  3. Shakirzhanova I.S. "Features of the biological structure of the plant Oxalis trangularis" //Scientific-theoretical and practical journal. "Bulletin of Science of the Urals". Biological sciences. ISSN 1561-6908. №3 (163) 2017. – Pp.44-46.
  4. Shakirzhanova I.S., Nogerbek A.A. "Ways of using natural visual effects in biology lessons". "X Student Science Week"" Materials of the scientific and practical conference. Section "Biology". Vol.1. - Kokshetau. 2018.
  5. Shakirzhanova I.S., Shakirzhanov K.S. "Ways of organizing a corner of wildlife in the biology room" //XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference. "Trends in modern science– 2018". “Pedagogical sciences” 5.Modern teaching methods. Science and Education Ltd (England), 2018. – pp. 42-44.
  6. Shakirzhanova I.S., Shakirzhanov K.S. "The use of digital educational resources in biology lessons". // International Scientific and Practical Conference". Modern mathematical education: experience, problems, prospects". - Kokshetau.2018. – pp. 69-70.
  7. Shakirzhanova I.S., Zhumabayeva A.A., Khamitova G.Zh. - "The importance of using natural visual effects in biology lessons". XVI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of modern sciences – 2020" "Pedagogical sciences" Modern teaching methods. Sp. z o.o. “Nauka I studia", (Przemysl , Poland) 2020. – B. 98-101.
  8. Shakirzhanova I.S., Kazhibaeva A.E. "The effectiveness of a digital educational resource in biology lessons " scientific and methodological center"ZIAT "remote Republican conference of undergraduates and young scientists "Actual problems of modernity". Nursultan 2020. – pp. 111-116.
  9. Shakirzhanova I.S., Zhumabayeva A.A., Khamitova G.Zh. - "The importance of using natural visual effects in biology lessons". XVI International Scientific and practical Conference "Actual problems of modern sciences – 2020" "Pedagogical sciences" 5.Modern teaching methods. Sp. z o.o. “Nauka I studia", (Przemysl , Poland) 2020. – B. 98-101.
  10. Shakirzhanova I.S., Kazhibaeva A.E. "The effectiveness of a digital educational resource in biology lessons "scientific and methodological center"ZIAT "remote Republican conference of undergraduates and young scientists "Actual problems of modernity". Nursultan 2020. – pp. 111-116.
  11. Khusainov A. T., Kyzdarbekova G. T., Esenzholov B. H., Sokova O.T., Shakirzhanova I. S. "Growth (germination) of oilseed flax seeds duringash treatment with slag and carbon black preparations". Internationalscientific and practical conference "Valikhanov readings-26: vectors ofdevelopment of Kazakh science in the context of interaction with theregion", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Kokshetau University namedafter Sh. Ualikhanov. Section "Engineering and technology". Vol. 2. -Kokshetau. 2022. – pp.155-159.
  12. Khusainov A. T., Kyzdarbekova G. T., Esenzholov B. H., Sokova O. T., Shakirzhanova I. S. "Growth (germination) of oilseed flax seeds during ash treatment with slag and carbon black preparations". International scientific and practical conference "Valikhanov readings-26: vectors of development of Kazakh science in the context of interaction with the region", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov. Section "Engineering and technology". Vol. 2. - Kokshetau. 2022. – pp.155-159.
  13. Akhmetova N.P., Sokova O.T., Shakirzhanova I.S., Maimakova D.B. "Application of the test method in biology lessons and its features". Section "Natural Sciences"-international scientific and practical conference "Valikhanov readings-26: vectors of development of Kazakh science in the context of interaction with the region", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov. T-1. - Kokshetau. 2022. – pp.378-382.



һttp://orcid.orq/0000-0001-7186-5691Sharipova B.U., Kakabaev A.A., Baranovskaya N., KurmanbaevR., Shakirzhanova I.S. "Features of the elemental composition ofthe hair of the population living in the territory of SouthKazakhstan". Vestnik Kaz NU. The series is ecological. V.75.N.2. - Almaty. 2023.