Shamshualieva Elmira Kairatovna

Shamshualieva Elmira Kairatovna


E-mail: Education

2010-2014 – biology teacher, Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov;

2014-2016 - Master of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 6M011300-Biology, Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov

Main courses taught

Physiological development of schoolchildren, Human and animal physiology, Plant biology, Extracurricular work in biology, Cytology and Histology, Floristry

Scientific direction

Biological features of shade-loving plants in a greenhouse

Number of works


Основные научные публикации за последние 5 лет 2019-2024 гг. (привести URL-адрес веб-страницы на оригинальном сайте журнала, по которому находится публикация в сети Интернет, либо ее Digital Object Identifier (DOI)).

  1. Shamshualieva E.K., Durmekbaeva S.N., Comparative assessment of anatomical structure of Salvia leaves due to the influence of potassium lignohumate. 4 parts. Kokshetau, 2021. - P. 258-262.
  2. Shamshualieva E.K., Durmekbaeva S.N., Maimakova D.B., Study of anatomical structure of dolicho leaf due to the effect of zircon, Proceedings of the XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Nainnoviti novani na europota nauka - 2021" Biological Sciences. 2. Structural botany and plant biochemistry. Vol. 4. (Sofia, Bulgaria), "Byal GRAD-BG ODD" 2021. -P. 9-12
  3. Khamitova G.J., Shamshualieva E.K., Zhumabaeva A.A. Biological characteristics of plants of the genus Plectranthus Spp. the Lamiaceae Lindley family // Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Shokanov readings-28 New scientific paradigms: cooperation, digitalization and commercialization", Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 2024.T. 1. – pp. 598-603. ISBN 978-601-261-595-1, ISBN 978-601-261-596-8