Senior Lecturer
Higher, 1991-1997. North KazakhstanUniversity, Biology teacher.2012-2014.
Kokshetau State University namedafter Sh. Ualikhanov, 6М011300, Master ofPedagogical Science, specialty "Biology"
Вotany, Methods of teaching biology
2021 Letter of thanks - on behalf of the rector of Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov, for preparing students for the XIII Republican Student Disciplinary Olympiad in the specialty 5B011300-Biology among students of higher educational institutions.
-2022 Letter of thanks - on behalf of the rector of Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov, for actively participating in the Summer School of the Pedagogical Institute.
-2022 II degree medal for contribution to the development of "Ualikhanov University".
-Acknowledgment - for the implementation of the educational project between the "Caravan of Knowledge" corporate fund and the non-commercial joint-stock company "Kokshetau University named after Sh. Valikhanov" with the support of "Tengizchevroil" from September 18 to November 18, 2023 "Quality of educational results of school students for conducting professional development courses on the topic of "development of subject competences of biology teachers" in order to improve.
-Letter of thanks - on behalf of the rector of Kokshetau University named after Sh. Ualikhanov, for his honorable work and honest service in the education of students in science, making a significant contribution to the development of the field of education and science of our University. (2024, April).
28(21 – article; 6 – EMCD; 1 – patent)
Scopus Author ID
The main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2019-2024:
5. Zhumabaeva A.A. Khamitova G.Zh., Shakirzhanova I.S. Оқушылардың физиологиялық дамуына қазіргі оқу жүктемесінің әсері // "Current issues of modernity": a collection of materials of the distance Republican conference of graduate students and young scientists, electronic edition. - Nur-Sultan city, 2021. - B. 26-30. ISBN 978-9965-452-43-7
6. Zhumabaeva A.A. Khamitova G.Zh., Sarsembaeva B.V. Балалар университетінде топтық зерттеу жұмыстарын жүргізудің ерекшеліктері // Sh. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Kokshetau University named after Ualikhanov "Shokan studies-26: development vectors of Kazakhstan science in the context of interaction with the region", Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 2022. Vol. 1. - B. 400-403. ISBN 978-601-261-460-2
7. Zhumabaeva A.A. Khamitova G.Zh., Torsunova B.R. Оқушылардың ғылыми-шығармашылық, зерттеушілік ізденісін қалыптастыру// Sh. Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Kokshetau University named after Ualikhanov "Shokan studies-26: development vectors of Kazakhstan science in the context of interaction with the region", Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 2022. Vol. 1. - B. 310-315. ISBN 978-601-261-460-2
8. Zhumabaeva A. A., Khamitova G.Zh., Maimakova D. B. Улы бөлме өсімдіктерінің адам денсаулығына әсері // Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Shokan readings-27: The role of university science in the development of the region". - Kokshetau, 2023. - Vol. 1., B. 387 – 392. ISBN 978-601-261-558-6, ISBN 978-601-261-559-3
9.Zhumabaeva A.A., Khamitova G.Zh., Shamshualiyeva E.K., A. Lamiaceae Lindley тұқымдасы Plectranthus Spp. туысы өсімдіктерінің биологиялық сипаттамасы \\ Proceedings of the international scientific-practical conference "Shokan readings-28 New scientific paradigm: cooperation, digitization and commercialization", Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 2024. Vol.1. - B. 598-603. ISBN 978-601-261-595-1, T.1.-2024 ISBN 978-601-261-596-8
10. Sharipova B.U., Kakabaev A.A., Baranovskaya N.V., Baikenova G.E., Zhumabaeva A.A. Оңтүстік Қазақстан территориясын мысалға ала отырып техногенездің көрсеткіші ретінде терек жапырағы күлінің элементтік құрамы. Vestnik. The series is ecological. Volume 78 No. 1, 2024.
11. Kakabaev A.A., Sharipova B.U., Baranovskaya N.V., Durmekbaeva Sh.N., Zhumabaeva A.A. Impact of Environmental Conditions on Soil Geochemistry in Southern Kazakhstan.. Sustainability. 2024.