Seitkasymov Amanbay Asylbayevich

Seitkasymov Amanbay Asylbayevich

Advisor to the Rector

E-mail: Education

KarGU im. Buketova is a teacher of history and social studies

Main courses taught

Source studies, Historiography, Destructive religious trends, history of Kazakhstan

The topic of the candidate's dissertation, doctoral dissertation

"1920-1930 zh.zh. Soltustik Kazakstannyn kogamdyk -sayasi omiri"

Scientific direction

The history of Kazakhstan during the period of Sovietization, forced collectivization and cultural Revolution

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

Analysis and research of the totalitarian system in Kazakhstan. Effects. Public activity: Chairman of the primary organ Amanat, ”Rukhanizhangyru”, Scientific Council at museums


Grant of the MIO of the region ”Rehabilitation of victims of political repression”


Medal S.Altynsarina, Honorary Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan