Shukeyeva Ainur Talasbekovna

Shukeyeva Ainur Talasbekovna


E-mail: Education

Higher education, KSU named after. Sh. Ualikhanov

Main courses taught


Scientific direction

History of Kazakhstan



Number of works


The main scientific publications (provide the URL of the web page on the original website of the journal, where the publication is located on the Internet, or its Digital Object Identifier (DOI)).

  1. Akmola oblysynyn memlekettik muragaty materialdary boyynsha Kokshetau onirine qonys audarylgandardyn kundelikti omiri (1954-1956 zhzh.) // Abai atyndagy kazypu khabarshysy . Almaty, 2018. – B. 284-290.
  2. Kokshetau oblysynyn turgyndary // “Kazakh tarihy” atty gylymi-adistemelik magazine No. 9. Almaty, 2018. (M.Z. Utegenovpen birlesip). – B. 12-14.
  3. Turn on the boiler kezenindegi Solstistik Kazakhstan oniri: khalkynyn kundelikti omir-tirshilik tarihynan // “Kazakh tarihy” atty gyly-adistemel Ik magazine No. 10. Almaty, 2018. – B. 23-25.
  4. “Tyn koteru naukana” kezenindegi tyngerlerdin kundeliktilikti omiri turaly reselik zhane otandyk zertteuler // Kazakhstan enbek sinirgen kayratker і, tarikh gylymdaryn doctors, professor Kadyrzhan Kabidenuly Әbuevtin 80 zhyldyk mereytoyy zhane university tarikh mamandygynyn kalyptasuyn arnalgan “Otan tarikhynyn derektanuy men tarikhnamasynyn onon zekti maseleleri» atty khalykaralyk gylymi-tazhiribelik conferenceson material gifts. Kokshetau, 2019. – B. 365-369.
  5. The adaptation issues of the Kazakh society from the people’s Republic of China to the everyday life in the virgin land // European journal of natural history No. 3, 2019. 34-38 p.
  6. Soltustik Kazakhstan 1954-1964 zhzh. Bіlіm I take іѕіндегі өзгіріторінѣ турлі ұлт өкілперінін күндилікті мәденьі-рувані оміріне асері // Abay atyndagy kazҰPU khabarshysy. Almaty, 2019. – B. 84-91.
  7. Encyclopedist Kadyrzhan Kabidenovich Abuev // Materials of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Modern Russian regional encyclopedism: place and role in society, development prospects.” Ufa, 2019. (co-authored with Osipova Zh.K.) – pp. 168-174.
  8. Organization of everyday leisure of the population of Northern Kazakhstan during the development of virgin lands // Materials of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian historical and archaeographer Alexander Petrovich Chuloshnikov. Ufa, 2019. – pp. 439-443.
  9. Densaulyk saktau ісінін Solstustik Kazakhstan onіr turgyndarynyn kundelikti omirіndegі rolі (1954-1964 zh.) // “Social sciences in the modern world: political science, sociology, philosophy, history" collection. Art. based on materials of the XXVIII International. scientific-practical conf. - No. 12. Moscow, 2019. – P. 97-107.
  10. Tarihi olketanu paninen oku-adistemelik kural. Kazakhstan. Kokshetau. NAO CU named after. Sh. Ualikhanov. 2019
  11. Sociocultural processes in the everyday life of the population in the border areas of Northern Kazakhstan in the 50-60s. XX century. Int. scientific-practical conf. “Political, socio-economic and interethnic processes in the border regions of Russia in the 16th and early 20th centuries. Russian Federation, Republic of Bashkortorstan, Ufa, June 1-4, 2020
  12. Daily life and development of healthcare facilities in the virgin lands of Kazakhstan (1954-1964). Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Kizlyar at the crossroads of eras and cultures: sociocultural, historical and economic appearance of the city.” Makhachkala, 2020 P.240-246.
  13. Kazakh auylyndagy kenestendiru sayasatynyn saldary (Akmola oblysyn mysalynda). “Akmola oblysy boyynsha 1920-1950 zhyldardagy kugyn-surginge baylanysty gylymy-zertteu zhumysy zhane archivtik kujattardy sayasi-kukukyktyk bagalau” atty Halykaralyk ғ yly-tazhiribelik conference material gifts zhinaga. Kokshetau, Zerenda. November 23, 2021
  15. REGION IN THE LATE 1950s // European Journal of Science and Theology Том 18. Выпуск 5, стр. 105-122. 2022 Relations Between the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhs Abroad (1991-2000) Migration Letters Том 19. Выпуск 5. Стр. 687-694. Сентябрь 2022 г. The London Publishers