Nurzhaksina Mahabbat Karatayeva

Nurzhaksina Mahabbat Karatayeva

Лектор, м.ф.

E-mail: Education

2003-2007 Kokshetau state university named after Sh .Ualikhanov.

_Teacher of kazakh language and literature

2007-2009 Kokshetau state university named after Sh.Ualikhanov, magistracy

Specialty_ 6N0205 – Philology

Main courses taught

Kazakh language, office work and latin graphics, history of kazakh literature (1900-1960)

Academic degree

Master of philology

Scientific direction

Literary studies

Brief summary of scientific and social activities

Adviser of the kazakh language and literature department, secretary of the pedagogical institute council

Main scientific publications for the last 5 years 2017-2022

1.«Қазақ тілі» ЭОӘҚ. Көкшетау – 2018 ж.

2.«Абайтану» оқу құралы. Г.К. Кажибаева, Г.Ж. Искакова, М.К. Нуржаксина, С.Ө. Сабыр – Көкшетау: «Мир печати», 2020. – 232 б.